struct person
float swim;
float bike;
float run;
float bikeRun;
person(float swim, float bike, float run)
this->swim = swim;
this->bike = bike;
this->run = run;
this->bikeRun = bike + run;
while (next_permutation(part1Vec.begin(), part1Vec.end()))
//Invalid operands to binary expression ('const person' and 'const person')
next_permutation 関数が正しく実装されていると思いますが、なぜこのエラーが発生するのかわかりません。どんな助けでも感謝します、ありがとう。ここに私の完全なコードがあります:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct person
float swim;
float bike;
float run;
float bikeRun;
person(float swim, float bike, float run)
this->swim = swim;
this->bike = bike;
this->run = run;
this->bikeRun = bike + run;
//function declarations and global variables
vector<person> part1Vec;
vector<person> highestVec;
float highestRating;
float tempRating;
float rating(vector<person> vector);
int main()
//PART 1
//make objects
person one(20, 25, 20), two(35, 20, 15), three(40, 20, 30);
//insert into vector
cout << "_________swim__bike__run__" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<part1Vec.size(); i++)
cout << "Vector #" << i+1 << ": "
<< part1Vec[i].swim << " "
<< part1Vec[i].bike << " "
<< part1Vec[i].run;
cout << endl << "Calculating..." << endl;
//Next permutation function
while (next_permutation(part1Vec.begin(), part1Vec.end())) //Invalid operands to binary expression ('const person' and 'const person')
//initialize highestVec
if (highestVec.size() == 0)
highestRating = rating(part1Vec);
highestVec = part1Vec;
//if Highest Rating is less than current permutation, update.
else if (highestRating < (tempRating = rating(part1Vec)) )
highestVec = part1Vec;
highestRating = tempRating;
cout << "Best Solution:" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<part1Vec.size(); i++)
cout << "Vector #" << i+1 << ": "
<< highestVec[i].swim << " "
<< highestVec[i].bike << " "
<< highestVec[i].run;
cout << endl << "Rating: " << highestRating << endl;
return 0;
float rating(vector<person> thisVector)
float rating = 0;
float swimSum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<thisVector.size()-1; i++)
swimSum += thisVector[i].swim;
if (rating < swimSum + thisVector[i].bikeRun)
rating = swimSum + thisVector[i].bikeRun;
return rating;