ピザの直径を取得し、保持できるスライスの数と各スライスの面積、ピザを見つけるプログラムを構築する必要があります。定数でピザのサイズを定義しますが、「int numberOfSlice」でエラーが発生します割り当てられていないローカル変数の使用を言っていますが、ifステートメントを割り当てていると思っていました。
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//declarations of Constans
const int SMALL_MIN = 12;
const int SMALL_MED = 16;
const int MED_LARGE = 24;
const int LARGE_XLARGE = 30;
const int XL_MAX = 36;
const int SMALL_SLICE = 8;
const int MED_SLICE = 12;
const int LARGE_SLICE = 16;
const int XL_SLICES = 24;
//declarations of varable
double pizzaDiameter;
int numberOfSlices = 0;
double sliceArea;
double radius;
string userInput = " ";
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the diameter of your pizza:"); // tell user to input diameter
userInput = Console.ReadLine(); // gets userinput
double.TryParse(userInput, out pizzaDiameter); // see if userinput is vaild
if (pizzaDiameter >= SMALL_MIN && pizzaDiameter <= XL_MAX) // if in range will continue
// all the ranges for the pizzas
if (pizzaDiameter >= SMALL_MIN && pizzaDiameter < SMALL_MED)
numberOfSlices = (SMALL_SLICE);
else if (pizzaDiameter >= SMALL_MED && pizzaDiameter < MED_LARGE)
numberOfSlices = (MED_SLICE);
else if (pizzaDiameter >= MED_SLICE && pizzaDiameter < LARGE_XLARGE)
numberOfSlices = (LARGE_SLICE);
else if (pizzaDiameter >= LARGE_XLARGE && pizzaDiameter <= XL_MAX)
numberOfSlices = (XL_SLICES);
radius = pizzaDiameter / 2; // divides pizzaDiameter to get radius
sliceArea = Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 2) / numberOfSlices; // gets slice area
sliceArea = Math.Round(sliceArea, 2); // rounds to 2 places
// output of resluts
Console.WriteLine("\nA diameter of " + pizzaDiameter + " will yield " + numberOfSlices + " slices.");
Console.WriteLine("\nEach slice will have an area of " + sliceArea + "\".");
Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit..."); // tells user to end program
Console.ReadKey(); // readkey to end program
else // if the diameter was not in range will display this error
Console.WriteLine("\nEntry Error ");
Console.WriteLine("\nPizza must have a diameter in the range of 12\" to 36\" inclusive!");
Console.WriteLine("please try again");
Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to end this application...");// tells user to end program
Console.ReadKey(); // readkey to end program