現在のクエリ文字列を「&」文字で分割して、さまざまなクエリ引数を取得できるようにしようとしています。これらの引数から、それらを別のファイル、つまり p_file.txt、blog_file.txt、portfolio_file.txt などに入れようとしています。クエリのリストを分割しようとして立ち往生していますが、それは不可能です。私は助けを求めています。

def parse_file():
    # Open the file for reading
    infile = open("URLlist.txt", 'r')
    # Read every single line of the file into an array of lines
    lines = infile.readlines()

    # For every line in the array of lines, do something with that line
    for line in lines:
        # The lines we get back from readlines will have a newline
        # character appended.  So, let's strip that out as we parse
        # the URL from the line into its components
        line = line.strip()
        url = urlparse(line)
        # If the url has a query component...(ie. url.query)
        if url.query:
            # ...then print it out!  We need to strip the trailing newline
            # character from the url query, because urlparse doesn't do that
            # for us.  
            queryvars = url.query
            print queryvars
            #for q in queryvars:
                 #print q

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