BigInteger クラスを使用しない大きな整数計算機に取り組んでいます。正の数と負の数を除算すると、乗算メソッド(機能する)でEXACTと同じelseステートメントを使用しているにもかかわらず、負の数は返されません。
public BigInt multiply(BigInt B2) {
BigInt result = new BigInt();
BigInt zero = new BigInt("0");
BigInt b;
for (int i = 0; i < B2.str.length(); ++i) {
b = singleDigitMultiply(
B2.str.charAt(B2.str.length() - i - 1), i);
result = result.add(b);
// anything * 0 is 0
if (this.add(zero).toString().equals("0") || B2.add(zero).toString().equals("0") ||
this.add(zero).toString().equals("-0") || B2.add(zero).toString().equals("-0"))
else if ((!this.isPositive && B2.isPositive) ||
(this.isPositive && !B2.isPositive))
//if not 0, assign negative when -a * b or a * -b
result.isPositive = false;
return result;
private BigInt singleDigitMultiply(char b, int baseFactor) {
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer("");
int carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
if (str.charAt(str.length() - i - 1) != '-' && str.charAt(str.length() - i - 1)
!= '+' && b != '-' && b != '+')
int d = str.charAt(str.length() - i - 1) - '0';
int r = d * (b - '0') + carry;
carry = r / 10;
int digit = r % 10;
if (carry != 0)
String result = tmp.reverse().toString();
// add enough zeros to the result
for (int i = 0; i < baseFactor; ++i) {
result += '0';
return new BigInt(result);
public BigInt divide(BigInt B2)
BigInt result;
BigInt divisor = B2;
BigInt dividend = this;
divisor.isPositive = true;
dividend.isPositive = true;
if (divisor.toString().equals("0") ||
divisor.toString().equals("+0") ||
System.out.println("CANNOT DIVIDE BY 0");
//cannot divide by 0
result = new BigInt("NaN");
else if (divisor.equals(dividend))
//anything divided by self is 1
result = new BigInt("1");
else if (dividend.equals("0"))
//0 divided by anything is 0
result = new BigInt("0");
result = divideHelper(dividend, divisor);
if ((!this.isPositive && divisor.isPositive) ||
(this.isPositive && !divisor.isPositive))
//if not 0, assign negative when -a * b or a * -b
result.isPositive = false;
return result;
private BigInt divideHelper(BigInt dividend, BigInt divisor)
int size1 = dividend.num.size(), size2 = divisor.num.size();
BigInt result = new BigInt();
int first = size1 - 1,
second = size2 - 1,
if (size1 == 1 && size2 == 1) {
three = dividend.num.get(first) / divisor.num.get(second);
result.num.add(0, three);
return result;