

__kernel void NLLSQ
    __global double* image,
    __global double* nllsqResult
    //Do some stuff


__kernel void NLLSQ
    __global double* image,
    __global double* nllsqResult
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        //Do some stuff

これにより、コンピューターがクラッシュしてモニターが黒くなります。問題は、グラフィックス カードにあまりにも多くの作業を送信したことだと思います。


#ifdef cl_khr_fp64
    #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
#elif defined(cl_amd_fp64)
    #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable
    #error "Double precision doubleing point not supported by OpenCL implementation."

int2 clipPixel(int2 coordinate, int width, int height)
    coordinate.x = max(0, coordinate.x);
    coordinate.y = max(0, coordinate.y);
    coordinate.x = min(width, coordinate.x); //1911
    coordinate.y = min(height, coordinate.y); //1071
    return coordinate;

int Coord2Index(int X, int Y, int width)
    return (width * Y) + X;

//2D Gaussian 'bubble' Function
double f(int x, int y, double a, double b, double s)
    return a + b*exp(-(x*x+y*y)/(s*s));

// (∂f/∂b)
double dfdb(int x, int y, double s)
    return exp(-(x*x+y*y)/(s*s));

// (∂f/∂σ)
double dfds(int x, int y, double b, double s)
    double v = -(x*x + y*y);
    return b * exp(v/(s*s))*-2*v/(s*s*s);

//Non-Linear Least Squares 
__kernel void NLLSQ
    __global double* image,
    __global double* nllsqResult
    const int x = get_global_id(0);
    const int y = get_global_id(1);

    int index = Coord2Index( x, y, 1912 );
    int jacIndex = 0;
    int dyIndex = 0;
    int indexRslt = Coord2Index( x, y, 1904 );

    double dY[81];
    double J[81][3];
    double JTJ[3][3];
    double3 B = (double3)(0, 1, 1); //initial guess
    double JTdY[3]; 

    //Creates the dY vector
    for (int j = -4; j <= 4; j++)
        for (int i = -4; i <= 4; i++)
            dY[dyIndex] = image[index] - f( i, j, B.x, B.y, B.z);
            dyIndex = dyIndex + 1;

    //Creates the Jacobian 
    for (int j = -4; j <= 4; j++)
        for (int i = -4; i <= 4; i++)
            index = Coord2Index( x + i + 4, y + j + 4, 1912 );

            J[jacIndex][0] = 1;
            J[jacIndex][1] = dfdb(i, j, B.z);
            J[jacIndex][2] = dfds(i, j, B.y, B.z);

            jacIndex = jacIndex + 1;

    //Now to solve (JT * J) * ΔB = JT * ΔY   for ΔB  ....

    JTdY[0] = 0;
    JTdY[1] = 0;
    JTdY[2] = 0;
    //Create JTJ
    for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++)
        JTJ[0][0] = J[i][0] * J[i][0];
        JTJ[0][1] = J[i][0] * J[i][1];
        JTJ[0][2] = J[i][0] * J[i][2];

        JTJ[1][0] = J[i][1] * J[i][0];
        JTJ[1][1] = J[i][1] * J[i][1];
        JTJ[1][2] = J[i][1] * J[i][2];

        JTJ[2][0] = J[i][2] * J[i][0];
        JTJ[2][1] = J[i][2] * J[i][1];
        JTJ[2][2] = J[i][2] * J[i][2];

        //JT * ΔY
        JTdY[0] = J[i][0] * dY[i];
        JTdY[1] = J[i][1] * dY[i];
        JTdY[2] = J[i][2] * dY[i];

    //TO DO: might have to make this next part more general if I decide not to use a 9x9 bubble template size
    // Also not sure what to do when det(A) = 0  (is that even possible?)

    // (JT * J) * ΔB = JT * ΔY is a system of the form Ax = b
    // A = (JT * J), ΔB = x, JT * ΔY = b
    //Solve using cramer's rule   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cramer%27s_rule
    // xi = det(Ai)/det(A)

    //determinant of A
    double detA = 
    JTJ[0][0] * (JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][1]) -
    JTJ[0][1] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][0]) + 
    JTJ[0][2] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][1] - JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][0]) ;

    double detA1 =
      JTdY[0] * (JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][1]) -
    JTJ[0][1] * (  JTdY[1] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTdY[2]  ) + 
    JTJ[0][2] * (  JTdY[1] * JTJ[2][1] - JTJ[1][1] * JTdY[2]  ) ;

    double detA2 = 
    JTJ[0][0] * (JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTdY[2]  ) -
    JTdY[0]   * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][0]) + 
    JTJ[0][2] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTdY[2]   - JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][0]) ;

    double detA3 = 
    JTJ[0][0] * (JTJ[1][1] * JTdY[2]   - JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][1]) -
    JTJ[0][1] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTdY[2]   - JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][0]) + 
    JTdY[0]   * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][1] - JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][0]) ;

    // B(k+1) = B(k) + ΔB
    B.x = B.x + (detA1/detA);
    B.y = B.y + (detA2/detA);
    B.z = B.z + (detA3/detA);

    nllsqResult[indexRslt] = B.z;


//Non-Linear Least Squares 
__kernel void NLLSQ
    __global double* image,
    __global double* nllsqResult
    const int x = get_global_id(0);
    const int y = get_global_id(1);

    int index = Coord2Index( x, y, 1912 );
    int jacIndex = 0;
    int dyIndex = 0;
    int indexRslt = Coord2Index( x, y, 1904 );

    double dY[81];
    double J[81][3];
    double JTJ[3][3];
    double3 B = (double3)(0, 1, 1); //initial guess
    double JTdY[3]; 

    //Creates the dY vector
    for (int j = -4; j <= 4; j++)
        for (int i = -4; i <= 4; i++)
            dY[dyIndex] = image[index] - f( i, j, B.x, B.y, B.z);
            dyIndex = dyIndex + 1;

      for (int iters = 0; iters < 10; iters++) //FOR LOOP ADDED HERE
      jacIndex = 0;
    //Creates the Jacobian 
    for (int j = -4; j <= 4; j++)
        for (int i = -4; i <= 4; i++)
            index = Coord2Index( x + i + 4, y + j + 4, 1912 );

            J[jacIndex][0] = 1;
            J[jacIndex][1] = dfdb(i, j, B.z);
            J[jacIndex][2] = dfds(i, j, B.y, B.z);

            jacIndex = jacIndex + 1;

    //Now to solve (JT * J) * ΔB = JT * ΔY   for ΔB  ....

    JTdY[0] = 0;
    JTdY[1] = 0;
    JTdY[2] = 0;
    //Create JTJ
    for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++)
        JTJ[0][0] = J[i][0] * J[i][0];
        JTJ[0][1] = J[i][0] * J[i][1];
        JTJ[0][2] = J[i][0] * J[i][2];

        JTJ[1][0] = J[i][1] * J[i][0];
        JTJ[1][1] = J[i][1] * J[i][1];
        JTJ[1][2] = J[i][1] * J[i][2];

        JTJ[2][0] = J[i][2] * J[i][0];
        JTJ[2][1] = J[i][2] * J[i][1];
        JTJ[2][2] = J[i][2] * J[i][2];

        //JT * ΔY
        JTdY[0] = J[i][0] * dY[i];
        JTdY[1] = J[i][1] * dY[i];
        JTdY[2] = J[i][2] * dY[i];

    //TO DO: might have to make this next part more general if I decide not to use a 9x9 bubble template size
    // Also not sure what to do when det(A) = 0  (is that even possible?)

    // (JT * J) * ΔB = JT * ΔY is a system of the form Ax = b
    // A = (JT * J), ΔB = x, JT * ΔY = b
    //Solve using cramer's rule   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cramer%27s_rule
    // xi = det(Ai)/det(A)

    //determinant of A
    double detA = 
    JTJ[0][0] * (JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][1]) -
    JTJ[0][1] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][0]) + 
    JTJ[0][2] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][1] - JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][0]) ;

    double detA1 =
      JTdY[0] * (JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][1]) -
    JTJ[0][1] * (  JTdY[1] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTdY[2]  ) + 
    JTJ[0][2] * (  JTdY[1] * JTJ[2][1] - JTJ[1][1] * JTdY[2]  ) ;

    double detA2 = 
    JTJ[0][0] * (JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTdY[2]  ) -
    JTdY[0]   * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][2] - JTJ[1][2] * JTJ[2][0]) + 
    JTJ[0][2] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTdY[2]   - JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][0]) ;

    double detA3 = 
    JTJ[0][0] * (JTJ[1][1] * JTdY[2]   - JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][1]) -
    JTJ[0][1] * (JTJ[1][0] * JTdY[2]   - JTdY[1]   * JTJ[2][0]) + 
    JTdY[0]   * (JTJ[1][0] * JTJ[2][1] - JTJ[1][1] * JTJ[2][0]) ;

    // B(k+1) = B(k) + ΔB
    B.x = B.x + (detA1/detA);
    B.y = B.y + (detA2/detA);
    B.z = B.z + (detA3/detA);

    nllsqResult[indexRslt] = B.z;

1 に答える 1


カーネルの処理に時間がかかり、Windows のタイムアウト検出および回復メカニズムが作動しているようです。MSDNで説明されているように、レジストリ値を変更することで TDR を無効にすることができます。終了しました。カーネルに無限ループがある場合、それを止めるものは何もありません。コンピューターの応答がないため、タスクを強制終了するのは非常に困難です。電源ボタンとリセットボタンがあるのは良い。

于 2013-10-18T06:01:17.137 に答える