
このプログラムでエラーが発生し続ける理由を理解できる人はいますか? 現在、Visual C++ 2008 Express を使用していますが、エラーが次々と発生します。目立ったものは見当たりませんが、よろしければご覧ください。

# include "stdafx.h"
# include <iostream>
# include <string>
# include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main ()
    string name;
    int age, amountBeer, amountRootBeer;
    double beer, rootBeer, taxRate, sum, total, cashTendered, change, tax;


    cout << “Welcome to BeerMart; where all your beer needs are met. \n\n”
            << “Please enter your name: “;
        getline (cin, name);
    cout << “Hello << name << “.\n”
        << “Please enter your age: “;
        cin >> age;
    if (age > 21)
        cout << “Enter the amount of beers to purchase: “;
        cin >> amountBeer;
        cout << “Enter the amount of root beers to purchase: “;
        cin >> amountRootBeer;

        cout << “Enter the amount of root beers you want to purchase;
        cin >> amountRootBeer;

    cout << “Please wait while we process your order.”;

    sum = (amountBeer * beer) + (amountRootBeer * rootBeer);
    tax = sum * taxRate;
    total = sum + tax;

    system (“pause.exe”);

    if (amountBeer > 0 && amountRootBeer > 0)
    cout << “You ordered “ << amountBeer << “ beer(s) and “ << amountRootBeer<< “ rootBeers.\n\n”
        << “Beer cost $” << beer << “, and root beers cost $” << rootBeer << “.”        << “Your sum is: $“&lt;< sum << “\n”
        << “Your tax is: $” << tax << “\n”
        << “And your total altogether is; $”&lt;< total << endl;
    if (amountBeer == 0 && amountRootBeer > 0)
    cout << “You ordered “ << amountRootBeer<< “ rootBeer(s).\n\n”
        << “Your sum is: $“&lt;< sum << “\n”
        << “Your tax is: $” << tax << “\n”
        << “And your total is; $”&lt;< total << endl;
    if (amountBeer > 0 && amountRootBeer == 0)
    cout << “You ordered “ << amountBeer << “ beer(s)\n\n”
        << “Your sum is: $“&lt;< sum << “\n”
        << “Your tax is: $” << tax << “\n”
        << “And your total is; $”&lt;< total << endl;

    cout << “Please enter the amount of cash tendered: $”;
    cin >> cashTendered;

    change = cashTendered - total;

    cout << “Your change is; $” << change<< “.\n\n”
        << “Have a great day!”;

    return 0;



1>------ Build started: Project: CH5HW Simple Beer sales, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>CH5HW Simple Beer sales.cpp
1>c:\users\james\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\ch5hw simple beer sales\ch5hw simple beer sales\ch5hw simple beer sales.cpp(16) : error C2065: 'ìî' : undeclared identifier



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