この地下鉄システムの 640 のパスを印刷しようとしています。隣接行列を使用してこのプログラムを既に実行したため、640 のパスがあることがわかっています。今、私はクラスでそれを行う必要があります。最初の駅は 'a' で始まり、パスは駅 'l' で終わります。再帰関数 SearchRoute の実装に問題があります。これは、パスを出力し、パスにフラグを付けてから、再度パスのフラグを外してバックトラッキングを可能にする必要があるためです。現在、「a」から「b」までのトラックしか印刷できないため、再帰関数に重大な問題があります。アドバイスをいただければ幸いです
//Function Declarations
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifndef SUBWAY_H
#define SUBWAY_H
class Track
//Default Constructor
//Overload Constructor
Track(char, char);
//Member variables
char node_1;
char node_2;
bool visited;
class Station
//Default Constructor
//Overload Constructor
Station(char, int, int);
//Member variables
char station_name;
int track_starting_ID;
int track_size;
class SubwaySystem
//Default Constructor
//Recursive function
void SearchRoute(int);
//Other member functions
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Track& my_track);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Station& my_station);
//Member variables
Track my_track[34];
Station my_station[12];
int count_routes;
int Current_Station_ID;
//String to save found route
//Function Definitions
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "subway.h"
using namespace std;
visited = 0;
Track::Track(char pass_track1, char pass_track2)
node_1 = pass_track1;
node_2 = pass_track2;
Station::Station(char pass_station_name, int pass_start, int pass_size){
station_name = pass_station_name;
track_starting_ID = pass_start;
track_size = pass_size;
//Initialize tracks
//node_1, node_2
my_track[0] = Track('a', 'b');
my_track[1] = Track('b', 'a');
my_track[2] = Track('b', 'c');
my_track[3] = Track('b', 'd');
my_track[4] = Track('b', 'e');
my_track[5] = Track('b', 'f');
my_track[6] = Track('c', 'b');
my_track[7] = Track('c', 'e');
my_track[8] = Track('d', 'b');
my_track[9] = Track('d', 'e');
my_track[10] = Track('e', 'b');
my_track[11] = Track('e', 'c');
my_track[12] = Track('e', 'd');
my_track[13] = Track('e', 'g');
my_track[14] = Track('e', 'h');
my_track[15] = Track('f', 'b');
my_track[16] = Track('f', 'h');
my_track[17] = Track('g', 'e');
my_track[18] = Track('g', 'k');
my_track[19] = Track('h', 'e');
my_track[20] = Track('h', 'f');
my_track[21] = Track('h', 'i');
my_track[22] = Track('h', 'j');
my_track[23] = Track('h', 'k');
my_track[24] = Track('i', 'h');
my_track[25] = Track('i', 'k');
my_track[26] = Track('j', 'h');
my_track[27] = Track('j', 'k');
my_track[28] = Track('k', 'g');
my_track[29] = Track('k', 'h');
my_track[30] = Track('k', 'i');
my_track[31] = Track('k', 'j');
my_track[32] = Track('k', 'l');
my_track[33] = Track('l', 'k');
//Initialize stations
//station_name, track_starting_ID, track_size
my_station[0] = Station ('a', 0, 1);
my_station[1] = Station ('b', 1, 5);
my_station[2] = Station ('c', 6, 2);
my_station[3] = Station ('d', 8, 2);
my_station[4] = Station ('e', 10, 5);
my_station[5] = Station ('f', 15, 2);
my_station[6] = Station ('g', 17, 2);
my_station[7] = Station ('h', 19, 5);
my_station[8] = Station ('i', 24, 2);
my_station[9] = Station ('j', 26, 2);
my_station[10] = Station ('k', 28, 5);
my_station[11] = Station ('l', 33, 1);
//Initiaize other members
count_routes = 0;
Current_Station_ID = 0;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Track& my_track)
os << my_track.node_1 << '.' << my_track.node_2;
return os;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Station& my_station)
os << my_station.station_name << '.' << my_station.track_starting_ID << '.' << my_station.track_size;
return os;
void SubwaySystem::SearchRoute(int Current_Station_ID)
while (Current_Station_ID < 33)
if (Current_Station_ID == 0) //Find a successful route to Station L
count_routes++; //Add 1 into the variable “count_routes”
cout << count_routes << " " << my_track[Current_Station_ID] << endl; //Print out this route
else //Get into recursive Function Body
for (int i = my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID; i < my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID + my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_size; i++)
if (my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited == 0) //if this track is not visited before
my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited = 1; //mark this track as visited
my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_2 = 1; //mark its corresponding track as visited
cout << my_track[Current_Station_ID] << endl; //save this track
SearchRoute(Current_Station_ID + 1); //Recursive
i--; //Backtrack this track
my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited = 0;//mark this track as unvisited
my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_2 = 0;//mark its corresponding track as unvisited
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "subway.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
SubwaySystem Test;