I have a phonegap app that is working perfectly on iOS.. it has now come time to port it to android... I am using phonegap 3.0 so the CLI installs the plugin however it still does not work.
Here is my code for the page requiring the alert or in this case the confirm.
function onDeviceReady() {
//setup page
'blah blah', // message
onConfirm, // callback to invoke with index of button pressed
'title', // title
'cancel','ok' // buttonLabels
function onConfirm(button) {
if(button == 2)
alert('button 2 pressed');
Could someone please help me with what I should be checking in my files? I am very new an Android dev so it might be the .java file or the config.xml?
EDIT: I should add that there are no errors being thrown in the log etc... and there is an alert() on either side of the confirm that gets called... its just as if it passes over the code..