So the problem I'm having is my counter keeps reseting when it try to add up the figures I tried figuring out a way to make the counter portion into a function but I couldnt figure it out


ans = input('Would you like to play ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS?: ')

while ans == 'y':
    p1c = input('Player 1 enter either R,P, or S: ') #p1c stands for "player 1 choice"
    p2c = input('Player 2 enter either R,P, or S: ')
    ans = input('Would you like to play again: ')

def game(p1c,p2c):
    if p1c == p2c:                  #if its a tie we are going to add to the Tie variable
        return 0
    elif p1c == 'R' and p2c == 'P': #We will only set the Player 1 wins because
        return 1                    #player 2 wins can be set as else
    elif p1c == 'P' and p2c == 'S':
        return 1
    elif p1c == 'S' and p2c == 'R':
        return 1
        return -1

result = game(p1c,p2c)   
if result == -1:
    winP2 += 1
if result == 0:
    tie += 1
    winP1 +=1

print('Player 1 won {} times. \nPlayer 2 won {} times. \nThere were {} ties.'.format(winP1,winP2,tie))

1 に答える 1