私は自分の解決策に非常に近づいていますが、1 つの障害があるようです。以下のコードをコピーしました。要約すると、VLookup を使用して別のワークシートから擬似数式を取得し、偽の "ZZZ" を実際のセル参照に置き換えてから、それらのセル値を最終的な数式に変換します。疑似数式を入力するユーザーが誤った数式を使用することが多いことを除けば、すべてうまく機能するので、エラー チェックが必要です。まず、結果を返さない VLookup 値の名前を変更する必要があります。第 2 に、無効な最終的な数式 (括弧がないなど) の名前を変更する必要があります。これが私がこれまでに持っているものです:

Public Sub VLookup()

    ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True

'Define what our Rows are for the calculations
    Dim NumRecords As Long
    NumRecords = Workbooks("POVA Daily Reporter.xlsm").Worksheets("Paste Daily Data").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Dim CellsForFormula As Range
    Set CellsForFormula = Workbooks("POVA Daily Reporter.xlsm").Worksheets("Paste Daily Data").Range("G2", "G" & NumRecords)
    Workbooks("POVA Daily Reporter.xlsm").Worksheets("Paste Daily Data").Select

'Now Insert the VLookup
    Dim WSLogic As Worksheet
    Dim WSData As Worksheet
    Set WSData = Workbooks("POVA Daily Reporter.xlsm").Worksheets("Paste Daily Data")
    Set WSLogic = Workbooks("POVA Daily Reporter.xlsm").Worksheets("Logic Statements")

'Write the Vlookup in the cell
    CellsForFormula(1, 1).Formula = _
        "=VLOOKUP('Paste Daily Data'!B2,'Logic Statements'!A:D,4,False)"
'Copy the Vlookup down
    CellsForFormula(1, 1).Copy _
        Destination:=Range(CellsForFormula(2, 1), CellsForFormula(NumRecords - 1, 1))
'Make sure the formulas actually calculate
    Workbooks("POVA Daily Reporter.xlsm").Worksheets("Paste Daily Data").UsedRange.Calculate

'Copy and Paste so we just keep the result of the Vlookup
    CellsForFormula.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

'Now we can replace the "ZZZ" and "zzz" with the cell reference

    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim Cell As Variant
    On Error Resume Next

    For Each Cell In CellsForFormula
        If Cell.Value = "#N/A" Then
            Cell.Value = "Bill-to Not in POVA"
        'ElseIf Cell.Formula.IsErr = "=" & Cell.Value Then
            'Cell.Value = "Logic Code Incorrect"
            Cell.Formula = "=" & Cell.Value
            ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
        End If
    Next Cell

    For Each Cell In CellsForFormula
        Call Cell.Replace("ZZZ", Cell.Offset(0, -4).Address)
        Cell.Application.WorksheetFunction = "="
        ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
    Next Cell

    For Each Cell In CellsForFormula
        If Cell.Value = "#N/A" Then
            Cell.Value = "Bill-to Not in POVA"
            ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
        End If
    Next Cell
    Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

問題は、無効な数式です。On Error Resume Next のため、そのままにしておくだけです。




1 に答える 1




For Each Cell In CellsForFormula
        If Cell.Value = "#N/A" Then
            Cell.Value = "Bill-to Not in POVA"
        ElseIf Cell.Formula.IsErr = "=" & Cell.Value Then
            'Cell.Value = "Logic Code Incorrect"
            Cell.Formula = "=" & Cell.Value
            ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
        End If
    Next Cell


For Each Cell In CellsForFormula
        If Cell.Value = "#N/A" Then
            Cell.Value = "Bill-to Not in POVA"
        ElseIf Cell.WorksheetFormula.IsErr = "=" & Cell.Value Then
            'Cell.Value = "Logic Code Incorrect"
            Cell.Formula = "=" & Cell.Value
            ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
        End If
    Next Cell
于 2013-10-24T22:15:42.640 に答える