
  1. type="time"行の 2 つの要素間の時間差 (HH:MM 形式) を計算します。
  2. テキスト入力の合計差 (HH:MM 形式) を合計します。



最初の行を計算するための JavaScript コードは次のとおりです。

function CalTime0() {
    var timeOfCall = $('#timefrom0').val(),
    timeOfResponse = $('#timeto0').val(),
    hours = timeOfResponse.split(':')[0] - timeOfCall.split(':')[0],
    minutes = timeOfResponse.split(':')[1] - timeOfCall.split(':')[1],
    total = $('#tbtotal').val(),
    tothours = total.split(':')[0],
    totminutes = total.split(':')[1];               
    minutes = minutes.toString().length<2?'0'+minutes:minutes;
    totminutes = totminutes.toString().length<2?'0'+totminutes:totminutes;

    if(minutes<0) { 
        minutes = 60 + minutes;

    hours = hours.toString().length<2?'0'+hours:hours;
    tothours = tothours.toString().length<2?'0'+tothours:tothours;
    tothours = parseInt(tothours) + parseInt(hours);
    totminutes = parseInt(totminutes) + parseInt(minutes);

    if(totminutes >= 60) { 
        totminutes = totminutes - 60;

    $('#total0').val(hours + ':' + minutes);    
    $('#tbtotal').val(tothours + ':' + totminutes); 

2 に答える 2



もう1つの問題は、これだけでなく、すべての行に対してこれを行う方法のようでした。キーワードを使用してthis、変更イベントを発生させた要素を特定できます。そこから、他の要素が何であるかを理解できます。この目的のために、フィールドの名前を と に変更したtimefr0のでtimeto0、それらは同じ長さになりました。


function updateTotals() {
  //Get num part of the id from current set
  //Cheated a bit with the id names ;-)
  var num = $(this).attr('id').substr( 6 );

  //Get the time from each and every one of them
  var tfrom = $('#timefr' + num ).val().split(':');
  var tto = $('#timeto' + num ).val().split(':');
  var currtotal = $('#total' + num ).val().split(':');
  var grandtotal = $('#tbtotal').val().split(':');

  //Convert to seconds and do the calculations the easy way
  var diff = (tto[0] - tfrom[0]) * 3600 + (tto[1] - tfrom[1]) * 60;
  var totalsec = currtotal[0] * 3600 + currtotal[1] * 60;
  var grandtotalsec = grandtotal[0] * 3600 + grandtotal[1] * 60;

  //If the result is negative, we can't do anything sensible. Use 0 instead.
  if( diff < 0 ) {
    diff = 0;

  //Substract what we calculated last time
  grandtotalsec -= totalsec;
  //Then add the current diff
  grandtotalsec += diff;

  //Convert diff (or total) into human readable form
  var hours = Math.floor( diff / 3600 );
  diff = diff % 3600;
  var minutes = Math.floor( diff / 60 );

  hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours.toString() : hours.toString();
  minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes.toString() : minutes.toString();

  //Convert grandtotal into human readable form
  var grandtotalhours = Math.floor( grandtotalsec / 3600 );
  grandtotalsec = grandtotalsec % 3600;
  var grandtotalminutes = Math.floor( grandtotalsec / 60 );

  grandtotalhours = (grandtotalhours < 10) ? "0" + grandtotalhours.toString() : grandtotalhours.toString();
  grandtotalminutes = (grandtotalminutes < 10) ? "0" + grandtotalminutes.toString() : grandtotalminutes.toString();  

  //Put them in the fields
  $( '#total' + num ).val( hours + ":" + minutes );
  $( '#tbtotal' ).val( grandtotalhours + ":" + grandtotalminutes );


于 2013-10-27T18:14:45.187 に答える