おそらく純粋な文字列メソッドでは、3 番目のスラッシュが日付とテキストを区切ります。
string line = "9/23/2013/marking abandoned based on notes below/DB";
int slashIndex = line.IndexOf('/');
if(slashIndex >= 0)
int slashCount = 1;
while(slashCount < 3 && slashIndex >= 0)
slashIndex = line.IndexOf('/', slashIndex + 1);
if(slashIndex >= 0) slashCount++;
if(slashCount == 3)
Console.WriteLine("Date:{0} Text: {1}"
, line.Substring(0, slashIndex)
, line.Substring(slashIndex +1));
価値のあるものとして、astring の n 番目の出現で文字列を半分に「分割」する拡張メソッドを次に示します。
public static class StringExtensions
public static string[] BreakOnNthIndexOf(this string input, string value, int breakOn, StringComparison comparison)
if (breakOn <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException("breakOn must be greater than 0", "breakOn");
if (value == null) value = " "; // fallback on white-space
int slashIndex = input.IndexOf(value, comparison);
if (slashIndex >= 0)
int slashCount = 1;
while (slashCount < breakOn && slashIndex >= 0)
slashIndex = input.IndexOf(value, slashIndex + value.Length, comparison);
if (slashIndex >= 0) slashCount++;
if (slashCount == breakOn)
return new[] {
input.Substring(0, slashIndex),
input.Substring(slashIndex + value.Length)
return new[]{ input };
string line1 = "9/23/2013/marking abandoned based on notes below/DB";
string line2 = "12/8/2012/I think the thid is string/SG";
string[] res1 = line1.BreakOnNthIndexOf("/", 3, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
string[] res2 = line2.BreakOnNthIndexOf("/", 3, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);