このコードの最後の部分の 2 つの文字のうちの 1 つだけをプログラムのインデックス 7 で調べるようにプログラムをコーディングするにはどうすればよいでしょうか。私は新しく、しばらくこれに取り組んでいます。これは私に苦労を与えており、本を読み続け、ビデオをダウンロードしていますが、これを取得していないようです.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

string string;

    // get character
cout << "\nEnter Email address ID: ";
getline(cin,  string );
cout << endl;
if (!isalpha(string[0]))
    cout << "first charactor needs to be a Letter"<< endl;

 if (!isalpha(string[1]))
     cout << "Second charactor needs to be a letter"<< endl;

 if (!isdigit(string[2])) 
    cout << "Third charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

 if (!isdigit(string[3])) 
    cout << "Fourth charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

 if (!isdigit(string[4])) 
    cout << "Fifth charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

 if (!isdigit(string[5])) 
    cout << "Sixth charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

if (!isdigit(string[6])) 
    cout << "Seventh charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;


 if(string != "n" || string !="p")      
    cout << "Eight charactor needs to be a N or P"<< endl;

cout << endl;
return 0;

1 に答える 1


-->IsAlpha 整数がアルファベット文字を表すかどうかを判断します。

            Enter Email address ID: abcdef1@kmail.com

            Third charactor needs to be a number
            Fourth charactor needs to be a number
            Fifth charactor needs to be a number
            Sixth charactor needs to be a number
            Eight charactor needs to be a N or P

            Press any key to continue . . .


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    string string;

    // get character
    cout << "\nEnter Email address ID: ";
    getline(cin,  string );
    cout << endl;
        if (!isalpha(string[0]))
            cout << "first charactor needs to be a Letter"<< endl;

        if (!isalpha(string[1]))
            cout << "Second charactor needs to be a letter"<< endl;

        if (!isdigit(string[2])) 
            cout << "Third charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

        if (!isdigit(string[3])) 
            cout << "Fourth charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

        if (!isdigit(string[4])) 
            cout << "Fifth charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

        if (!isdigit(string[5])) 
            cout << "Sixth charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

        if (!isdigit(string[6])) 
            cout << "Seventh charactor needs to be a number"<< endl;

            if(string != "n" || string !="p")      
                {cout << "Eight charactor needs to be a N or P"<< endl;


        cout << endl;
        return 0;
于 2013-10-31T06:59:57.267 に答える