I am trying to modify the web interface of bootstrap theme in OpenWrt's luci web interface and i managed to change colors and some simple things but i cannot find how to change the names of the tabs (for example instead of "status" to write "status11111"). Also i wanted to add a logo picture on the top of the page and i managed to add it for the login page and also it appears on the default main page after the login but then if I swap to any tab the picture appears like crashed or missing (see the image bellow) and the link becomes like this "/cgi-bin/luci/;stok=96c966ea63a7913b6c02fc09c7862d77/admin/status/overview"
My 2 questions are: how can I change the names of the tabs and how can I add a logo picture on the top of the page so it can appear to every tab? What files do I have to modify?