私は Java が初めてなので、助けてください。私のローカル変数は、メソッドのパラメーターを受け取ることができません。
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat; //I can not get my local variables in my
// main to accept my methods parameters.
// This is my program.
public class AccountBank
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
// Calling in my Class
Accountclass BankAcc = new Accountclass();
// initialize both there variables in. order to use them in a for loop.
double depDrw = 0;// this are one of the variables that is giving me problems
double withDrw = 0; // this is the other that is giving me problems
double totalW = 0;
double totalD = 0;
// declaring all my variables
String name="";
double month;
double startBal;
// This section will greet and accept input by asking the user to enter the starting alance and set it in my class
// Greetings
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Lets Get Started");
// receiving input for my name variable
name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please Enter Your Name Below: ");
// ask user for starting balance
startBal = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What Is The Starting Balance In Your Account:"));
// This will set the value in my class
// ask user how many months has the account been active
month = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Months That Account Has Been Active:"));
// This section will accept input by asking the user to enter each amount deposited every month from the account set it in my class.
// This will be shown in the message box
depDrw = depositTotal(deposit); << // I am having trouble here it wont take my parameters variable which I created on the buttom. please help
// This will sum up every amount the user enters in the message box.
totalD += depDrw;
// This will set the value in my class
// このセクションは、アカウントから毎月引き落とされる各金額を入力し、それをクラスに設定するようにユーザーに求めることで、入力を受け入れます
// This will be shown in the message box
withDrw = withdrawTotal(wit); // <<< I am having problem here this variable does not take the value of my methods parameter, which i created on the bottom of this page.
// This will sum up every amount the user enters in the message box.
totalW += withDrw;
// This will set the value in my class
//This section will display the " monthly interest rate, monthly interest earned, total amount deposited, total amount withdrawn, and the final balance of the account."
DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.0000");
DecimalFormat formatter2 = new DecimalFormat("#0.0");
DecimalFormat formatter3 = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
//Get the calculations from the savings account class and display them.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null," Account Name: " +name+"\n \n Your Monthly Interest Rate Is ..... "
+ formatter.format(BankAcc.monthInt())+"%" + "\n \n Your Monthly Interest Earned Was ..... $"
+ formatter2.format(BankAcc.GetInt()) + "\n \n Your Overall Amount With Deposited Was ..... $" + totalD +
" \n \n Your Overall Amount WithDrawn Was ..... $" + totalW + " \n \n Your Remaining Balance Is ..... $"
+ formatter3.format(BankAcc.getFinalbal()),"Results", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
public static double depositTotal( String deposit)
throws IOException
double sales;
double totalDeposit = 0;
File file = new File ("deposits.txt");
Scanner inputfile = new Scanner(file);
while (inputfile.hasNextDouble());
sales = inputfile.nextDouble();
totalDeposit += sales;
return totalDeposit;
public static double withdrawTotal( String wit)
throws IOException
double sales;
double totalwithdraws = 0;
File file = new File ("withdraws.txt");
Scanner inputfile = new Scanner(file);
while (inputfile.hasNextDouble());
sales = inputfile.nextDouble();
totalwithdraws += sales;
return totalwithdraws;