ソースから Octave をビルドしようとすると (OpenBLAS に最適化された BLAS および LAPACK ライブラリを使用するため)、./configure から次のエラーが発生します。

checking for sgemm_ in /usr/lib/libopenblas_sandybridgep-r0.2.8.so... yes
checking whether LSAME is called correctly from Fortran... yes
checking whether ISAMAX is called correctly from Fortran... yes
checking whether SDOT is called correctly from Fortran... no
checking whether DDOT is called correctly from Fortran... yes
checking whether CDOTU is called correctly from Fortran... no
checking whether ZDOTU is called correctly from Fortran... no
checking whether the integer size is correct... no
checking for sgemm_ in /usr/lib/libopenblas_sandybridgep-r0.2.8.so... yes
checking whether LSAME is called correctly from Fortran... yes
checking whether ISAMAX is called correctly from Fortran... yes
checking whether SDOT is called correctly from Fortran... no
checking whether DDOT is called correctly from Fortran... yes
checking whether CDOTU is called correctly from Fortran... no
checking whether ZDOTU is called correctly from Fortran... no
checking whether the integer size is correct... no
configure: error: A BLAS library was detected but found incompatible with your Fortran 77    compiler settings.

編集: OpenBLAS ファイルを /usr/lib から /usr/lib64 に移動することで問題を解決できましたが、これで問題が解決した理由はわかりません。なぜそれをしたのですか?


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