import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class BookOrder
private String author;
private String title;
private int quantity;
private double costPerBook;
private String orderDate;
private double weight;
private char type; //R,O,F,U,N
public BookOrder (String author, String title)
public BookOrder(String author, String title, int quanitity, double costPerBook, String orderDate, double weight, char type)
public BookOrder(BookOrder bookOrder)
public void setAuthor(String author)
this.author= author;
public void setTitle(String title)
this.title= title;
public void setQuantity(int quantity)
if (quantity >=0)
this.quantity= quantity;
public void setCostPerBook(double costPerBook)
if (costPerBook >= 0)
this.costPerBook= costPerBook;
public void setOrderDate(String orderDate)
this.orderDate= orderDate;
public void setWeight(double weight)
if (weight >=0)
public void setType(char type)
if (type=='r' || type=='R' || type=='o' || type=='O' || type=='f' || type=='F' || type=='u'|| type=='U'|| type=='n'|| type=='N')
if(type < 97) // all values below 97 are caps
this.type = type;
this.type = ((String.valueOf(type)).toUpperCase()).charAt(0); // had to research, but converted char to a string, capitalized it, then converted back to char.
this.type= 'N';
public void assignValues(int quantity, double costPerBook, double weight, char type)
public String getAuthor()
String strAuthor;
return strAuthor;
} //end Public String getAuthor
public String getTitle()
String strTitle;
return strTitle;
public int getQuantity()
int iQuant;
return iQuant;
public double getCostPerBook()
double dCostPerBook;
return dCostPerBook;
public String getOrderDate()
String strOrderDate;
return strOrderDate;
public double getWeight()
double dWeight;
return dWeight;
public char getType()
char cType;
return cType;
public void adjustQuantity(int adjustingQuantity)
int iNewQuantity = (this.quantity + adjustingQuantity);
if (iNewQuantity >= 0)
this.quantity = iNewQuantity;
this.quantity = 0;
public double totalWeight()
double dTotalWeight;
dTotalWeight= (this.quantity * this.weight);
return dTotalWeight;
public double calcCost()
double dCalculatedCost;
dCalculatedCost= (this.quantity * this.costPerBook);
return dCalculatedCost;
public double shipping()
double dShipping;
double dShippingCost;
dShippingCost= 0.30;
dShipping=(dShippingCost * (this.quantity * this.weight));
else if (this.type=='O')
dShippingCost= 0.50;
dShipping=(dShippingCost *(this.quantity * this.weight));
else if (this.type=='P')
dShippingCost= 0.10;
dShipping=(dShippingCost * (this.quantity * this.weight));
else if (this.type=='F')
dShipping=(dShippingCost * (this.quantity * this.weight));
else if (this.type=='U')
dShipping=(dShippingCost * (this.quantity * this.weight));
dShippingCost= .05;
dShipping=(dShippingCost * (this.quantity * this.weight));
return dShipping;
public double totalCost() //calcCost+shipping
double dTotalCost;
dTotalCost= (calcCost() + shipping());
return dTotalCost;
public String invoice()
DecimalFormat df= new DecimalFormat ("$#,#00.00");
String strInvoice;
strInvoice="\n Author: " + this.author;
strInvoice +="\n Title: " + this.title;
strInvoice +="\n Quantity: " + this.quantity;
strInvoice +="\n Cost Per Book: " + df.format(this.costPerBook);
strInvoice +="\n Order Date: " + this.orderDate;
strInvoice +="\n Total Weight: " + totalWeight();
strInvoice +="\n Shipping Type: " + this.type;
strInvoice +="\n Shipping Cost: " + df.format(shipping());
strInvoice +="\n Total Cost: " + df.format(totalCost());
return strInvoice;
BookOrder BookOrder1 = new BookOrder("Jonathan", "Book1", 12, 6.75, "11/5/2013", 8.75, 'r');
System.out.print(""+ BookOrder1.invoice());
それでも、結果を出力するたびに、すべての結果が null またはゼロでした。これがなぜなのか誰にも分かりますか?簡単なことだと思いますが、何かわかりません... }