このコマンドを入力しようとすると、このようなエラーが発生しますphp app/console assetic:dump

An error occurred while running:                                             
'/usr/local/bin/node' '/tmp/assetic_lesswt3ok6'                              

Error Output:                                                                
FileError: '../../bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less' wasn't found.               
 in mopabootstrapbundle.less:22:0                                            
21 // Main bootstrap.less entry point                                        
22 @import "../../bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";                            

 * MopaBootstrapBundle                                                       
 * Copyright 2011 Mohrenweiser & Partner                                     
 * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0                                    
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                                
 * Import this file in your less files as first to be abled to access less   
vars from your file                                                          
 * OR                                                                        
 * Add it to the stylesheets of assetic or                                   
 * Add it as described on http://www.lesscss.org with the less.js (maybe pa  
thes must be adapted in that case)                                           
 * Be careful when using less this way, might be most straight forward, but  
 assetic doesnt check the included files                                     
 * for changes, and will only regenerate the css if it detects changes in t  
his file!                                                                    
 * For development it might be easier to include all you less files in the   
layout directly                                                              
 * But then assetic will compile each less file in a own compiler session s  
o you cant mix in the less style into bootstrap, which might not be OK       

// Main bootstrap.less entry point                                           
@import "../../bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";                               

// variables                                                                 
@iconSpritePath:       "/bundles/mopabootstrap/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-hal  
@iconWhiteSpritePath:  "/bundles/mopabootstrap/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-hal  

// The Paginator less for MopaBootstrapBundle                                
@import "paginator.less";                                                    

// The Subnav less for MopaBootstrapBundle                                   
@import "subnav.less";                                                       

// Collection support for MopaBootstrapBundle                                
@import "collections.less";                                                  

// Collection support for MopaBootstrapBundle                                
@import "google-maps.less";                                                  

// if you have any variables.less file INCLUDE IT AFTER EVERYTHING cause re  
sponsive.less also overrides it with the one from bootstrap!!!!!



{% block stylesheets %}
    {{ parent() }}
    {% stylesheets 
        <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    {% endstylesheets %}
{% endblock %}

2 に答える 2


mopabootstrap バンドルでも同じエラーが発生しました。シンボリック リンクをインストールするために使用されるコマンドphp app/console mopa:bootstrap:symlink:lessは、vendor/mopa/bootstrap-bundle/Mopa/Bundle/BootstrapBundle/Resources にシンボリック リンクを正しく作成していますが、bootstrap.less ファイルはまだ見つかりません。

そこで、vendor/mopa/bootstrap-bundle/Mopa/Bundle/BootstrapBundle/Resources に vendor/twbs/bootstrap フォルダーをコピーして修正しました。これは本当に適切な解決策ではありませんが、少なくともアセットをダンプできます。

于 2014-02-17T13:44:20.017 に答える