I'm trying to do a password recovery with SMTP. In the email, i've added some necessary text and hyperlink for the user to recover their password. As you can see the code here, i've added a hyper link.
strBody.Append("<a href=**destination url** emailId=" + txtEmailId.Text + "&uName=" + txtnric.Text + "&uCode=" + uniqueCode + ">Click here to change your password.</a>");
In order to add a non-hyperlink text, i added this statement behind the code.
strBody.Append("<a href=**destination url** emailId=" + txtEmailId.Text + "&uName=" + txtnric.Text + "&uCode=" + uniqueCode + ">Click here to change your password.</a> \t\t\t\t This is a computer generated email for your password recovery. \t\t please do not reply this email.");
文字列に \t を追加しましたが、代わりに電子メールにタブ スペースが表示されません。私はここで何を間違えましたか?