各サブツリーのノード数を計算できる void 関数を作成する必要があります。多くのサンプル コードを読みましたが、それらはすべて整数を返します。そして、非再帰的な void 関数を使用してそれらの int 関数と同じ機能を実行する方法がわかりません。
void computeWeight(treeNode<treeInfo> *p)
//compute the weight of the node pointed at by p
//weight of a node is equal to the number of nodes in the correspodning subtree
if(p == NULL)
p->info.weight = 0;
p->info.weight = 1 + p->left->info.weight + p->right->info.weight;
//note that this is not a recursive function
struct treeInfo
char symb;
int weight;
これは、通常のバイナリ ツリー ヘッダーである binaryTree.h です。
template<class Type>
struct treeNode
Type info;
treeNode<Type> *left;
treeNode<Type> *right;
template<class Type>
class treeIterator
treeNode<Type> *current;
stack<treeNode<Type>*> s;
treeIterator(treeNode<Type> *p)
current = NULL;
while (p != NULL)
p = p->left;
if (!s.empty())
current = s.top();
treeIterator(const treeIterator<Type>& other)
current = other.current;
s = other.s;
Type& operator*()
{ return current->info; }
treeIterator<Type>& operator++() //pre-increment operator
if (current != NULL)
current = current->right;
while (current != NULL)
current = current->left;
if (!s.empty())
current = s.top();
cerr << "Error: treeIterator gets out of bound" << endl;
return *this;
bool operator==(const treeIterator<Type>& other)
{ return current == other.current; }
bool operator!=(const treeIterator<Type>& other)
{ return current != other.current; }
template<class Type>
class binaryTree
treeNode<Type> *root;
{ root = NULL; }
binaryTree(const binaryTree<Type>& other);
const binaryTree<Type>& operator=(const binaryTree<Type>& other);
bool empty()
{ return root == NULL; }
int height();
int nodeCount();
int leavesCount();
void inorderTraversal(void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *));
void preorderTraversal(void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *));
void postorderTraversal(void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *));
void destroy();
treeIterator<Type> begin();
treeIterator<Type> end();
void print(int inc);
void buildTreeFromArray(Type a[], int n, Type nullSymbol);
treeNode<Type>* copyTree(const treeNode<Type> *other);
void destroy(treeNode<Type> *p);
int height(treeNode<Type> *p);
int nodeCount(treeNode<Type> *p);
int leavesCount(treeNode<Type> *p);
void inorder(treeNode<Type> *p, void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *));
void postorder(treeNode<Type> *p, void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *));
void printTree(const treeNode<Type> *p, int indent, int inc);
treeNode<Type>* buildTree(Type a[], int n, int i, Type nullSymbol);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::preorderTraversal(void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *p))
//implement a non-recrusive preorder traversal of the binary tree
stack<treeNode<Type>*> stack_tree;
treeNode<Type> *p = root;
treeNode<Type>* temp = stack_tree.top();
if(temp ->right)
stack_tree.push(temp ->right);
if(temp ->left)
stack_tree.push(temp ->left);
template<class Type>
treeNode<Type>* binaryTree<Type>::buildTree(Type a[], int n, int i, Type nullSymbol)
treeNode<Type> *p = NULL;
if (i < n && a[i] != nullSymbol)
p = new treeNode<Type>;
p->info = a[i];
p->left = buildTree(a, n, 2*i+1, nullSymbol);
p->right = buildTree(a, n, 2*(i+1), nullSymbol);
return p;
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::buildTreeFromArray(Type a[], int n, Type nullSymbol)
root = buildTree(a, n, 0, nullSymbol);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::printTree(const treeNode<Type> *p, int indent, int inc)
if (p != NULL)
printTree(p->right, indent+inc, inc);
cout << setw(indent) << p->info << endl;
printTree(p->left, indent+inc, inc);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::print(int inc)
printTree(root, 4, inc);
template<class Type>
int binaryTree<Type>::height(treeNode<Type> *p)
if (p == NULL)
return 0;
int HL = height(p->left);
int HR = height(p->right);
if (HL >= HR)
return 1+HL;
return 1+HR;
template<class Type>
int binaryTree<Type>::height()
return height(root);
template<class Type>
int binaryTree<Type>::nodeCount(treeNode<Type> *p)
if (p == NULL)
return 0;
return 1 + nodeCount(p->left) + nodeCount(p->right);
template<class Type>
int binaryTree<Type>::nodeCount()
return nodeCount(root);
template<class Type>
int binaryTree<Type>::leavesCount(treeNode<Type> *p)
if (p == NULL)
return 0;
if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
return 1;
return leavesCount(p->left) + leavesCount(p->right);
template<class Type>
int binaryTree<Type>::leavesCount()
return leavesCount(root);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::inorder(treeNode<Type> *p, void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *))
if (p != NULL)
inorder(p->left, visit);
inorder(p->right, visit);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::postorder(treeNode<Type> *p, void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *))
if (p != NULL)
postorder(p->left, visit);
postorder(p->right, visit);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::inorderTraversal(void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *))
inorder(root, visit);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::postorderTraversal(void (*visit)(treeNode<Type> *))
postorder(root, visit);
template<class Type>
treeNode<Type>* binaryTree<Type>::copyTree(const treeNode<Type> *other)
if (other == NULL)
return NULL;
treeNode *p = new treeNode<Type>;
p->info = other->info;
p->left = copyTree(other->left);
p->right = copyTree(other->right);
template<class Type>
binaryTree<Type>::binaryTree(const binaryTree<Type>& other)
root = copyTree(other.root);
template<class Type>
const binaryTree<Type>& binaryTree<Type>::operator=(const binaryTree<Type>& other)
if (this != &other)
root = copyTree(other.root);
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::destroy(treeNode<Type> *p)
if (p != NULL)
delete p;
template<class Type>
void binaryTree<Type>::destroy()
root = NULL;
template<class Type>
template<class Type>
treeIterator<Type> binaryTree<Type>::begin()
return treeIterator<Type>(root);
template<class Type>
treeIterator<Type> binaryTree<Type>::end()
return treeIterator<Type>(NULL);