私は functions.php に持っています

//Example of select field
    $this->settings['select'] = array(
        'section' => 'general',
        'title'   => __( 'Example Select' ),
        'desc'    => __( 'This is a description for the drop-down.' ),
        'type'    => 'select',
        'std'     => '',
        'choices' => array(
            'choice1' => 'Choice 1',
            'choice2' => 'Choice 2',
            'choice3' => 'Choice 3'

//Here i have managed to echo the categories dynamically in the back-end
$args = array(
            'orderby' => 'name',
            'order' => 'ASC',
            'hide_empty' => 0
$categories = get_categories($args);
$categories_name = array();
foreach($categories as $category){
   $categories_name[] = $category->name;

    $this->settings['categoriesmain1'] = array(
          'section' => 'general',
          'title'   => __( 'Select Left Block Category' ),
          'desc'    => __( 'Here you can select the main category for main left block.' ),
          'type'    => 'select',
          'std'     => '',
          'choices' =>  $categories_name // this returns the category names in a select field
    $settings = get_option('mytheme_options');
    $my_choices_cat1  = $settings['categoriesmain1'];

    $this->settings['categoriesmain2'] = array(
          'section' => 'general',
          'title'   => __( 'Select Center Block Category' ),
          'desc'    => __( 'Here you can select the main category for main center block.' ),
          'type'    => 'select',
          'std'     => '',
          'choices' =>  $categories_name
    $settings = get_option('mytheme_options');
    $my_choices_cat2  = $settings['categoriesmain2'];

    $this->settings['categoriesmain3'] = array(
          'section' => 'general',
          'title'   => __( 'Select Right Block Category' ),
          'desc'    => __( 'Here you can select the main category for main right block.' ),
          'type'    => 'select',
          'std'     => '',
          'choices' =>  $categories_name
    $settings = get_option('mytheme_options');
    $my_choices_cat3  = $settings['categoriesmain3'];


   <?php $settings = get_option('mytheme_options');
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
     <div class="boxes-third boxes-first">
        <div class="boxes-padding"> 
            <div class="bti">
                <div class="featured-images"><?php the_post_thumbnail(array(300,300)); ?></div>
                <div class="featured-titles"><?php echo get_the_title($post->ID); ?></div>
            <div class="featured-text"><?php the_content('',FALSE,''); ?></div>
        <span class="box-arrow"></span>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>

   <?php $settings = get_option('mytheme_options');
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <div class="boxes-third">
        <div class="boxes-padding">
            <div class="bti">
                <div class="featured-images"><?php the_post_thumbnail(array(300,300)); ?></div>
                <div class="featured-titles"><?php echo get_the_title($post->ID); ?></div>
            <div class="featured-text"><?php the_content('',FALSE,''); ?></div>
        <span class="box-arrow"></span>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>

   <?php $settings = get_option('mytheme_options');
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <div class="boxes-third boxes-last">
        <div class="boxes-padding">
            <div class="bti">
                <div class="featured-images"><?php the_post_thumbnail(array(300,300)); ?></div>
                <div class="featured-titles"><?php echo get_the_title($post->ID); ?></div>
            <div class="featured-text"><?php the_content('',FALSE,''); ?></div>
        <span class="box-arrow"></span>
   <?php endwhile; ?>
   <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>

問題は、index.php で$settings[]が正しくエコーされないことです。例えば


追加するvar_dumpprint_r、カテゴリ名をエコーする代わりに Array {} (空の配列) のようなものをエコーする場合は、


Category3、ユーザーがバックエンドから選択したカテゴリです。私の functions.txt はhttp://pastebin.ca/2476028 です。ワードプレスの学習に最善を尽くしているので、助けてください。


1 に答える 1


ああ、var_dump が必要な場所で取得しました。今は var_dump($settings["categoriesmain2"]) に実行しましたが、カテゴリの代わりに string(1) "1" がエコーされています。最初のものはstring(1)「0」で、3番目のものはstring(1)「2」で、最初の選択、2番目の選択、3番目の選択をエコーし​​ていることを意味します

それは配列であるため、各値を id として取得し、その id を使用して名前を取得できます。

更新: 例

// an array contains cats ids
$categories_ids = array(1,5,7,3);

// sql stmnt to get all info about each id
$sql = 'select * from categories where id in("'.implode('",'", array_values($categories_ids) ).'")';


于 2013-11-19T11:22:04.910 に答える