以下は、ファイルに setuid フラグが設定されている場合に、プロセスの実際の ID と有効な ID を出力する (出力するはずの) 小さな C プログラムです。このプログラムではgetpwuid
、2 回目に呼び出すと (L.No 38)、realUserName
L.No 24 で取得した変数の値を上書きする傾向があります。この動作は説明できません。これは予想される動作で、その理由は何ですか? これを Linux ボックス (RHEL 2.6.18-371.1.2.el5) で試しています。
1 /* Filename: test.c
2 * Notes:
3 * 1] ./test owned by user cadmn (userID: 3585)
4 * 2] ./test run by user pmn (4471)
5 * 3] ./test has the setuid bit switched-on.
6 */
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <pwd.h>
9 #include <sys/types.h>
10 #include <unistd.h>
11 int main()
12 {
14 uid_t realId, effectiveId;
15 struct passwd *realUser, *effUser;
17 realId = getuid(); // realId = 4471
18 effectiveId = geteuid(); //effectiveId = 3585
20 printf("Real ID is %i and Effective ID is %i\n", (int)realId, (int)effectiveId);
21 //prints 4472 and 3585, respectively
23 realUser = getpwuid(realId);
24 char *realUserName = realUser->pw_name; //realUserName = pmn
26 printf("Real ID (name) at this point is %s\n", realUserName);
27 // prints pmn.
29 /*
30 *********************************************************
31 * *
32 * everything works as expected up to this point *
33 * *
34 *********************************************************
35 */
37 // The value obtained from this call is not used anywhere in this program
38 effUser = getpwuid(effectiveId);
39 printf("\nCalled getpwuid with the effectiveId\n\n");
41 printf("Real ID is %i and Effective ID is %i\n", (int)realId, (int)effectiveId);
42 //prints 4472 and 3585, respectively
44 printf("Real ID (name) at this point is %s.\n", realUserName);
45 // Expect to still see 'pmn' printed; though see 'cadmn' as the output!
46 // Why does this happen?
48 return 0;
49 }
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp > id pmn
uid=4471(pmn) gid=1000(nusers) groups=1000(nusers)
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp >
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp > id cadmn
uid=3585(cadmn) gid=401(cusers) groups=401(cusers)
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp >
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp > ls -l ./test
-r-sr-xr-x 1 cadmn cusers 9377 Dec 24 19:48 ./test
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp >
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp > ./test
Real ID is 4471 and Effective ID is 3585
Real ID (name) at this point is pmn
Called getpwuid with the effectiveId
Real ID is 4471 and Effective ID is 3585
Real ID (name) at this point is cadmn.
pmn@rhel /tmp/temp >