// Prevent calling this script directly
exit("Access denied!");
// app settings
$config = array();
$config["dropbox"]["app_key"] = "***";
$config["dropbox"]["app_secret"] = "***";
// ACCESS_TYPE should be "dropbox" or "app_folder"
$config["dropbox"]["access_type"] = "dropbox";
$config["app"]["root"] = ((!empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/";
$config["app"]["datadir"] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/data";
$config["app"]["authfile"] = $config["app"]["datadir"] . "/auth.php";
// turn on error reporting for development
ini_set("display_errors", true);
// environment check
if (!is_dir($config["app"]["datadir"]) || !is_writable($config["app"]["datadir"])) {
exit("The data directory is not writeable!");
if (file_exists($config["app"]["authfile"]) && !is_writable($config["app"]["authfile"])) {
exit("The auth storage file is not writeable!");
// Load libraries and start a new session
require_once "lib/dropbox/rest.php";
require_once "lib/dropbox/session.php";
require_once "lib/dropbox/client.php";
// Search for a previously obtained access token
$access_token = null;
if (file_exists($config["app"]["authfile"])) {
include_once $config["app"]["authfile"];
require_once "bootstrap.php";
if (isset($access_token)) {
header("Location: ./");
try {
// Start a new Dropbox session
$session = new DropboxSession(
// The user is redirected here by Dropbox after the authorization screen
if (!empty($_GET["oauth_token"]) && !empty($_GET["uid"])) {
$uid = $_GET["uid"];
$token = array(
"oauth_token" => $_GET["oauth_token"],
"oauth_token_secret" => ""
if (!empty($_SESSION["request_token"])) {
$token["oauth_token_secret"] = $_SESSION["request_token"]["oauth_token_secret"];
* The access token is all you'll need for all future API requests on
* behalf of this user, so you should store it away for safe-keeping
* (even though we don't for this article). By storing the access
* token, you won't need to go through the authorization process again
* unless the user revokes access via the Dropbox website.
if ($access_token = $session->obtainAccessToken($token)) {
parse_str($access_token, $token);
$access_token = $token;
// The output ov var_export is similar to:
// array("oauth_token_secret" => "aaaa", "oauth_token" => "bbbb", "uid" => "123456")
$data = '<?php $access_token = ' . var_export($access_token, true) . ";";
if (file_put_contents($config["app"]["authfile"], $data) === false) {
throw new Exception("Unable save access token");
// Authorized, redirect to index
//header("Location: index_inside.php");
echo "Authorized, <a href=\"list.php\">click here</a> to redirect!";
// The access token should be stored somewhere to be reused until
// it expires or is revoked by the user
else {
// We must start a new authorization cycle
if ($request_token = $session->obtainRequestToken()) {
// The request token must be subdivided in the two components
// oauth_token_secret and oauth_token and kept in the session
// because is needed in the next step
parse_str($request_token, $token);
$_SESSION["request_token"] = $token;
$url = $session->buildAuthorizeURL(
$config["app"]["root"] . basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]),
// Display or redirect to auth URL
echo '<p>Please visit <a href="' . $url . '">Dropbox</a> and authorize this application.</p>';
else {
throw new Exception("Unable to get request token");
catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
これはファイル list_inside.php です...これは最終的にフォルダーのリストを表示するために含まれるものです(理想的にはダウンロードリンクのあるファイル)...
require_once "bootstrap.php";
if (!isset($access_token)) {
header("Location: authorize.php");
try {
// Start a new Dropbox session
// The access token should be defined
// The session should verify if the token is valid and throw an exception
$session = new DropboxSession(
$client = new DropboxClient($session);
$path = (!empty($_GET["path"])) ? $_GET["path"] : "/Apps/Tools/";
// List contents of home directory
if ($home = $client->metadata($path)) {
echo "<p>Metadata content for <code>" . $path . "</code></p>";
echo "<pre>" . print_r($home, true) . "</pre>";
catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<strong>ERROR (" . $e->getCode() . ")</strong>: " . $e->getMessage();
if ($e->getCode() == 401) {
// Remove auth file
// Re auth
echo '<p><a href="authorize.php">Click Here to re-authenticate</a></p>';
metadata() を使用した上記のコードの出力は次のとおりです。
/Apps/Tools/ 配列のメタデータ コンテンツ ( [ハッシュ] => fa7f3577894553ffeb70ac0d96e49b99 [改訂] => 71425 [改訂] => 1170104ef29f8 [thumb_exists] => [バイト] => 0 [変更] => 2014 年 1 月 14 日火曜日 03 :10:05 +0000 [パス] => /Apps/Tools [is_dir] => 1 [アイコン] => フォルダー [ルート] => ドロップボックス [コンテンツ] => 配列 ( [0] => 配列 ( [リビジョン] => 71426 [rev] => 1170204ef29f8 [thumb_exists] => [バイト] => 0 [変更] => 2014 年 1 月 14 日火曜日 03:10:05 +0000 [パス] => /Apps/Tools/Burnside Road Dryクリーク バレー カベルネ ソーヴィニヨン [is_dir] =>1 [アイコン] => フォルダ [ルート] => ドロップボックス [サイズ] => 0 バイト)
[1] => Array ( [revision] => 71436 [rev] => 1170c04ef29f8 [thumb_exists] => [bytes] => 0 [modified] => Tue, 14 Jan 2014 03:10:05 +0000 [path] => /Apps/Tools/Burnside Road Dry Creek Valley Sauvignon Blanc [is_dir] => 1 [icon] => folder [root] => dropbox [size] => 0 bytes ) [2] => Array ( [revision] => 71445 [rev] => 1171504ef29f8 [thumb_exists] => [bytes] => 0 [modified] => Tue, 14 Jan 2014 03:10:05 +0000 [path] => /Apps/Tools/Burnside Road Mendocino County Zinfandel [is_dir] => 1 [icon] => folder [root] => dropbox [size] => 0 bytes ) [3] => Array ( [revision] => 71454 [rev] => 1171e04ef29f8 [thumb_exists] => [bytes] => 0 [modified] => Tue, 14 Jan 2014 03:10:05 +0000 [path] => /Apps/Tools/Burnside Road Pinot Noir California [is_dir] => 1 [icon] => folder [root] => dropbox [size] => 0 bytes ) ) [size] => 0 bytes )
途切れ途切れのコードで申し訳ありません。私はこれにあまり熟練していませんが、友人がサイトで助けを必要としており、Dropbox を機能させるために飛び込みました。
require_once "bootstrap.php";
if (!isset($access_token)) {
header("Location: authorize.php");
try {
// Start a new Dropbox session
// The access token should exist
// The session should verify if the token is valid and throw an exception
$session = new DropboxSession(
$client = new DropboxClient($session);
$path = (!empty($_GET["path"])) ? $_GET["path"] : "/webs.pdf";
$dest = $config["app"]["datadir"] . "/" . basename($path);
// Download a file
if ($file = $client->getFile($path, $dest)) {
if (!empty($dest)) {
echo "<p>File saved to: <code>" . $dest . "</code></p>";
echo "<pre>" . print_r($file, true) . "</pre>";
else {
header("Content-type: " . $file["mime"]);
echo $file["data"];
catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<strong>ERROR (" . $e->getCode() . ")</strong>: " . $e->getMessage();
if ($e->getCode() == 401) {
// Remove auth file
// Re auth
echo '<p><a href="authorize.php">Click Here to re-authenticate</a></p>';
ファイルの保存先: /home/thisisyo/public_html/data/webs.pdf Array ( [name] => /home/thisisyo/public_html/data/webs.pdf [mime] => application/pdf [meta] => stdClass Object ([リビジョン] => 35075 [リビジョン] => 890304ef29f8 [thumb_exists] => [バイト] => 703289 [変更] => 2013 年 6 月 20 日木曜日 23:39:10 +0000 [client_mtime] => 2 月 20 日水曜日2013 19:19:42 +0000 [パス] => /webs.pdf [is_dir] => [アイコン] => page_white_acrobat [ルート] => ドロップボックス [mime_type] => application/pdf [サイズ] => 686.8 KB )
また、client.php で定義されているクラスは次のとおりです。
public function metadata($path, $list = true, $fileLimit = 10000, $hash = null, $revision = null, $includeDeleted = false) {
// Prepare argument list
$args = array(
"file_limit" => $fileLimit,
"hash" => $hash,
"list" => (int) $list,
"include_deleted" => (int) $includeDeleted,
"rev" => $revision
// Prepend the right access string to the desired path
if ("dropbox" == $this->accessType) {
$path = "dropbox" . $path;
else {
$path = "sandbox" . $path;
// Execute
$response = $this->Session->fetch("GET", $this->dropboxAPIURL, "/metadata/" . $path, $args);
return $response["body"];
これは getFile() クラスの定義です...
public function getFile($path, $outFile = null, $revision = null) {
$args = array();
if (!empty($revision)) {
$args["rev"] = $revision;
// Prepend the right access string to the desired path
if ("dropbox" == $this->accessType) {
$path = "dropbox" . $path;
else {
$path = "sandbox" . $path;
// Get the raw response body
$response = $this->Session->fetch("GET", $this->dropboxContentAPIURL, "/files/" . $path, $args, true);
if ($outFile != null) {
if (file_put_contents($outFile, $response["body"]) === false) {
throw new Exception("Unable to write file '$outfile'");
return array(
"name" => ($outFile) ? $outFile : basename($path),
"mime" => $response["headers"]["content-type"],
"meta" => json_decode($response["headers"]["x-dropbox-metadata"]),
"data" => $response["body"]