.xfdfから値を抽出する Applescript を作成しようとしています


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">
    <square color="#FF0000" creationdate="D:20130828114843+05'30'" date="D:20130828114901+05'30'" flags="print" name="Xi6cOkAWgWHcAhpfBkR5A7" page="0" rect="347.7599999991828,1041.8400000004283,453.5999999989341,1056.9600000003927" subject="Rectangle" title="1 im, awltest7 (AWLTEST7.IM)">
          <p>Text Not Clear</p>
      <popup open="yes" page="0" rect="453.5999999989341,944.4600000003926,573.5999999989341,1056.9600000003927" />
    <square color="#FF0000" creationdate="D:20130828114910+05'30'" date="D:20130828114919+05'30'" flags="print" name="ptmmBKtfoDEbVzirMgZLnY" page="0" rect="511.1999999987987,1092.960000000308,550.7999999987057,1123.9200000002352" subject="Rectangle" title="2 im, awltest7 (AWLTEST7.IM)">
          <p>Incorrect dimension</p>
      <popup open="yes" page="0" rect="550.7999999987057,1011.4200000002352,670.7999999987056,1123.9200000002352" />
    <square color="#FF0000" creationdate="D:20130828114956+05'30'" date="D:20130828115004+05'30'" flags="print" name="8LaAl2Upx4LEaQptQKXoZx" page="0" rect="355.67999999916424,731.5200000011573,431.99999999898483,750.2400000011135" subject="Rectangle" title="3 im, awltest7 (AWLTEST7.IM)">
          <p>Incorrect Text</p>
      <popup open="yes" page="0" rect="431.99999999898483,637.7400000011133,551.9999999989849,750.2400000011135" />


set theXMLFile to ((choose file) as string)

tell application "System Events"
    tell XML element "xfdf" of contents of XML file theXMLFile
        set typeText to (value of XML element "p")
        set nameText to (value of XML element "p")
    end tell
end tell

スクリプトを実行すると、次のエラーが表示されます: System Events got an error: Can't get XML element "p" of XML element "xfdf" of contents of XML file。これらの値を XML から抽出できる場所はありますか。"popup""p"を抽出する値。

set theXMLFile to ((choose file) as string)
tell application "System Events"
    set theXMLFile to XML file theXMLFile
    set loops to XML elements of XML element "annots" of XML element "xfdf" of theXMLFile whose name is "square"
    set coor to {}
    repeat with i from 1 to (count loops)
        --set end of p to value of XML element "square" of XML element "body" of XML element "contents-richtext" of item i of squares
        set end of coor to value of XML attributes of XML element "square" of item i of loops
    end repeat

end tell

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