Android アプリケーション用の API のプログラミングを開始しようとしていますが、これには node.js + ループバックを使用したいと考えていました。しかし、言語のテスト/学習で問題が発生しています。
次のコードは、データベースに新しいユーザーを生成する必要があります(実際に生成されます)が、このユーザーでログインしようとすると、AccessToken が作成されず、コンソールに印刷されません。私が間違っていることは何か分かりますか?
私のテストコード: create-test-data.js
var app = require('./app');
var dataSource = app.dataSources.mysql;
var loopback = require('loopback');
var User = loopback.User; // Getting User Model
var AccessToken = loopback.AccessToken; // Getting AccessTokenModel
Initializing the database done by this. If already exist it will clean it.
dataSource.automigrate('user', function (err) {});
dataSource.automigrate('account', function (err) {});
dataSource.automigrate('accesstoken', function (err) {});
//Creating some users in mysql database
User.create({username: 'timbo', email: '', password: 'monkey123'} , function(err, user) {console.log(user);});
User.create({username: 'timbo2', email: '', password: 'monkey123'} , function(err,user) {console.log(user);});
User.create({username: 'timbo3', email: '', password: 'monkey123'} , function(err,user) {console.log(user);});
User.login({username: 'timbo', password: 'monkey123'}, function(err, accesstoken) {console.log("This is the token: " + accesstoken);});
//No accesstoken created / saved in the database
"db": {
"defaultForType": "db",
"connector": "mysql",
"host": "",
"database": "test",
"user": "root",
"password": "warcraft"
"push": {
"defaultForType": "push",
"connector": "loopback-push-notification",
"installation": "installation",
"notification": "notification",
"application": "application"
"mail": {
"defaultForType": "mail",
"connector": "mail"
"mysql": {
"connector": "mysql",
"host": "",
"database": "test",
"user": "root",
"password": "warcraft"
"email": {
"options": {
"base": "Email"
"dataSource": "mail",
"public": false
"user": {
"options": {
"base": "User",
"relations": {
"accessTokens": {
"model": "accessToken",
"type": "hasMany",
"foreignKey": "userId"
"dataSource": "mysql",
"public": true
"accessToken": {
"options": {
"base": "AccessToken"
"dataSource": "mysql",
"public": true
"application": {
"options": {
"base": "Application"
"dataSource": "db",
"public": true
"acl": {
"options": {
"base": "ACL"
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"roleMapping": {
"options": {
"base": "RoleMapping"
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"role": {
"options": {
"base": "Role",
"relations": {
"principals": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "roleMapping",
"foreignKey": "roleId"
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"scope": {
"options": {
"base": "Scope"
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"push": {
"options": {
"base": "Push",
"plural": "push"
"dataSource": "push"
"installation": {
"options": {
"base": "Installation"
"dataSource": "db",
"public": true
"notification": {
"options": {
"base": "Notification"
"dataSource": "db",
"public": true
"product": {
"properties": {
"email": {
"type": "string"
"level": {
"type": "number"
"create": {
"type": "date"
"modified": {
"type": "date"
"public": true,
"dataSource": "db",
"plural": "products"
"account": {
"properties": {
"email": {
"type": "string"
"level": {
"type": "number"
"created": {
"type": "date"
"modified": {
"type": "date"
"public": true,
"dataSource": "mysql",
"plural": "accounts"
{ username: 'timbo',
email: '',
password: '$2a$10$972DFwMOuOhKj5ThfbchC.ipcNaW27ccpHMRkW17uSLutaCHyZF0G',
realm: undefined,
emailVerified: undefined,
verificationToken: undefined,
credentials: [],
challenges: [],
status: undefined,
created: undefined,
lastUpdated: undefined,
id: undefined }
{ username: 'timbo2',
email: '',
password: '$2a$10$1peSixaOIQq8umOzzEy86OQKxoPFU.Ax2/NWC1oLGjQHPp9oZdPDW',
realm: undefined,
emailVerified: undefined,
verificationToken: undefined,
credentials: [],
challenges: [],
status: undefined,
created: undefined,
lastUpdated: undefined,
id: undefined }
{ username: 'timbo3',
email: '',
password: '$2a$10$X3fdV2dL6kjuj69Dqr.jMeVdqIMzveN7NnJP5TXag54b4tpzZ4LGW',
realm: undefined,
emailVerified: undefined,
verificationToken: undefined,
credentials: [],
challenges: [],
status: undefined,
created: undefined,
lastUpdated: undefined,
id: undefined }
This is the token: undefined
This is the token err: Error: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'ttl' in 'field list'