cabal サンドボックスを作成し、OSX で hakyll Haskell パッケージをビルドしようとしていますが、パッケージ temporary- でビルド エラーが発生します。その理由は何ですか?
cabal のバージョンは 1.20
です。ビルド エラーは次のとおりです。
abcdef-MacBook-Pro:hakyll bd$ cabal install temporary
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring temporary-
Building temporary-
Preprocessing library temporary-
[1 of 3] Compiling Distribution.Compat.Exception ( Distribution/Compat/Exception.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-352cd149/build/Distribution/Compat/Exception.o )
[2 of 3] Compiling Distribution.Compat.TempFile ( Distribution/Compat/TempFile.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-352cd149/build/Distribution/Compat/TempFile.o )
[3 of 3] Compiling System.IO.Temp ( System/IO/Temp.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-352cd149/build/System/IO/Temp.o )
Could not deduce (MonadMask m) arising from a use of `bracket'
from the context (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
bound by the type signature for
withTempFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> Handle -> m a) -> m a
at System/IO/Temp.hs:(53,17)-(57,19)
Possible fix:
add (MonadMask m) to the context of
the type signature for
withTempFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> Handle -> m a) -> m a
In the expression:
(liftIO (openTempFile tmpDir template))
(\ (name, handle)
-> liftIO (hClose handle >> ignoringIOErrors (removeFile name)))
(uncurry action)
In an equation for `withTempFile':
withTempFile tmpDir template action
= bracket
(liftIO (openTempFile tmpDir template))
(\ (name, handle)
-> liftIO (hClose handle >> ignoringIOErrors (removeFile name)))
(uncurry action)
Could not deduce (MonadMask m) arising from a use of `bracket'
from the context (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
bound by the type signature for
withTempDirectory :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) =>
FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> m a) -> m a
at System/IO/Temp.hs:(73,22)-(77,24)
Possible fix:
add (MonadMask m) to the context of
the type signature for
withTempDirectory :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) =>
FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> m a) -> m a
In the expression:
(liftIO (createTempDirectory targetDir template))
(liftIO . ignoringIOErrors . removeDirectoryRecursive)
In an equation for `withTempDirectory':
withTempDirectory targetDir template
= bracket
(liftIO (createTempDirectory targetDir template))
(liftIO . ignoringIOErrors . removeDirectoryRecursive)
Failed to install temporary-
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
temporary- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1