GAEのプッシュ キューによると、多数のタスク リクエスト ヘッダーがあります。
X-AppEngine-QueueName, the name of the queue (possibly default)
X-AppEngine-TaskName, the name of the task, or a system-generated unique ID if no name was specified
X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount, the number of times this task has been retried; for the first attempt, this value is 0. This number includes attempts where the task failed due to a lack of available instances and never reached the execution phase.
X-AppEngine-TaskExecutionCount, the number of times this task has previously failed during the execution phase. This number does not include failures due to a lack of available instances.
X-AppEngine-TaskETA, the target execution time of the task, specified in milliseconds since January 1st 1970.