I am facing a weird issue in Openstack webapp where i am trying to refresh the tabbed content, however i end up appending the refreshed tab content to the the HTML DOM.
The flow of the code is simple except that i donot understand how the HTML is being attached to DOM instead of the existing tab.
The code flow is:
foo.get --->TabView.get --> TabView.handle_tabbed_response.
I desire that the tab be updated and not the DOM,
What have i done:
Class foo((tabs.TabView):
tab_group_class = (barTabs)
template_name = 'project/xyz/index.html'
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
######## Business Logic
thelper = business_logic(request)
return super(foo, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_initial(self):
initial = super(foo, self).get_initial()
return initial
class TabView(generic.TemplateView):
A generic class-based view for displaying a :class:`horizon.tabs.TabGroup`.
This view handles selecting specific tabs and deals with AJAX requests
.. attribute:: tab_group_class
The only required attribute for ``TabView``. It should be a class which
inherits from :class:`horizon.tabs.TabGroup`.
tab_group_class = None
_tab_group = None
def __init__(self):
if not self.tab_group_class:
raise AttributeError("You must set the tab_group_class attribute "
"on %s." % self.__class__.__name__)
def get_tabs(self, request, **kwargs):
""" Returns the initialized tab group for this view. """
if self._tab_group is None:
self._tab_group = self.tab_group_class(request, **kwargs)
return self._tab_group
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Adds the ``tab_group`` variable to the context data. """
context = super(TabView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
tab_group = self.get_tabs(self.request, **kwargs)
context["tab_group"] = tab_group
# Make sure our data is pre-loaded to capture errors.
except Exception:
return context
def handle_tabbed_response(self, tab_group, context):
Sends back an AJAX-appropriate response for the tab group if
required, otherwise renders the response as normal.
if self.request.is_ajax():
if tab_group.selected:
return http.HttpResponse(tab_group.selected.render())
return http.HttpResponse(tab_group.render())
return self.render_to_response(context)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
context = self.get_context_data(**kwargs)
return self.handle_tabbed_response(context["tab_group"], context)
def render_to_response(self, *args, **kwargs):
response = super(TabView, self).render_to_response(*args, **kwargs)
# Because Django's TemplateView uses the TemplateResponse class
# to provide deferred rendering (which is usually helpful), if
# a tab group raises an Http302 redirect (from exceptions.handle for
# example) the exception is actually raised *after* the final pass
# of the exception-handling middleware.
return response
Please help.