次の単純なモデル クラス (Mantle に基づく) が与えられます。
// .h
#import <Mantle.h>
@interface JAIInterestingPhonesCategory : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
@property (copy, nonatomic, readonly) NSString *categoryId;
@property (copy, nonatomic, readonly) NSString *title;
// .m
#import "JAIInterestingPhonesCategory.h"
@implementation JAIInterestingPhonesCategory
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
return @{
@"categoryId" : @"id",
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "JAIInterestingPhonesCategory.h"
@interface JAIInterestinPhoneTestCase : XCTestCase
@implementation JAIInterestinPhoneTestCase
- (void)setUp
[super setUp];
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
- (void)tearDown
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
[super tearDown];
- (void)testCreateModelWithJSONDictionary
NSDictionary *JSONModelDictionary = @{
@"id" : @"catId",
@"title" : @"Category title"
NSError *error;
JAIInterestingPhonesCategory *category = [MTLJSONAdapter modelOfClass:[JAIInterestingPhonesCategory class] fromJSONDictionary:JSONModelDictionary error:&error];
XCTAssertNotNil(category, @"The instantiated category must not be nil");
*** Assertion failure in -[MTLJSONAdapter initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:error:]
Invalid parameter not satisfying: [modelClass isSubclassOfClass:MTLModel.class]
(aka JAIInterestingPhonesCategory
) は のサブクラスですMTLModel
プロジェクトに Pod として Mantle を追加しました。
ここで何が起こっているのか分かりますか? ありがとうございました!!!