それがまさにオプショナルのポイントです — それらは nil であっても非 nil であってもかまいませんが、nil のときにそれらをアンラップするとエラーになります。オプションには次の 2 種類があります。
var maybeOne: Int?
// ...
// Check if you're not sure
if let one = maybeOne {
// maybeOne was not nil, now it's unwrapped
println(5 + one)
// Explicitly unwrap if you know it's not nil
println(5 + one!)
var hopefullyOne: Int!
// ...
// Check if you're not sure
if hopefullyOne {
// hopefullyOne was not nil
println(5 + hopefullyOne)
// Just use it if you know it's not nil (implicitly unwrapped)
println(5 + hopefullyOne)
if maybeOne && maybeTwo {
println(maybeOne! + maybeTwo!)
if hopefullyOne && hopefullyTwo {
println(hopefullyOne + hopefullyTwo)
let opts = [maybeOne, maybeTwo]
var total = 0
for opt in opts {
if opt { total += opt! }
または、さらに楽しみたい場合は、より一般的で Swifty なものを使用します。
// Remove the nils from a sequence of Optionals
func sift<T, S: Sequence where S.GeneratorType.Element == Optional<T>>(xs: S) -> GeneratorOf<T> {
var gen = xs.generate()
return GeneratorOf<T> {
var next: T??
do {
next = gen.next()
if !next { return nil } // Stop at the end of the original sequence
} while !(next!) // Skip to the next non-nil value
return next!
let opts: [Int?] = [1, 3, nil, 4, 7]
reduce(sift(opts), 0) { $0 + $1 } // 1+3+4+7 = 15