次のコードは BezierCurves を生成し、キャンバスに描画される Path オブジェクトを作成します。このコードを C#.Net から Androidに変換しました。

問題 :ポイントを描画すると、ポイントが連続した曲線を形成しません。途中で壊れてまた続きます。問題は、AddBeziers私が使用cubicToした曲線の生成にあると思います。GraphicsPath.AddBeziers.Net の Methodと一致しない可能性があります。



  • x 座標 - [0, 55, -44, -54, -44, 55, 0]
  • y 座標 - [0, -189, -20, -125, -230, -59, -250]


Path figure = new Path();
BezierCurve verticalCurvex = BezierCurve.CreateVertical(250);
AddBeziers(figure, verticalCurvex.Points);

Android の AddBezier メソッド

private Path AddBeziers(Path path, Point[] points) {

        int index = 1;
        if (points.length > 3) {
            path.moveTo(points[0].X, points[0].Y);
            path.cubicTo(points[index].X, points[index].Y, points[index + 1].X,
                    points[index + 1].Y, points[index + 2].X,
                    points[index + 2].Y);

        index = index + 3;
        if (points.length > 5) {
            path.cubicTo(points[index].X, points[index].Y, points[index + 1].X,
                    points[index + 1].Y, points[index + 2].X,
                    points[index + 2].Y);

        return path;

Android の BezierCurve クラス

package com.example.newone;

public class BezierCurve {

    // NOTE : A point's x and y positions are measured from bottom-left corner of the piece.
    // X~RATIO  =     point's x position / piece's width
    // Y~RATIO  =     point's y position / piece's height
    private static final double X2RATIO = 0.760869565217391;
    private static final double Y2RATIO = 0.183946488294314;

    private static final double X3RATIO = 0.0802675585284281;
    private static final double Y3RATIO = 0.150501672240803;

    private static final double X4RATIO = 0.5;
    private static final double Y4RATIO = Y2RATIO;

    private static final double X6RATIO = X2RATIO;
    private static final double Y6RATIO = Y2RATIO;

    private static final double X5RATIO = X3RATIO;
    private static final double Y5RATIO = Y3RATIO;

    private static final double CURVE_TENSION = 1.2;

    public Point[] Points ;

    public static BezierCurve CreateHorizontal(int length)
        double curvature = length * CURVE_TENSION;

        int x1, y1;     // First curve's starting point
        int x2, y2;     // First curve's first control point
        int x3, y3;     // First curve's second control point
        int x4, y4;     // First curve's ending point, second curve's starting point
        int x5, y5;     // Second curve's first control point
        int x6, y6;     // Second curve's second control point
        int x7, y7;     // Second curve's ending point

        // First curve (first curve's ending point is (X4, Y4), which is also second curve's end point      
        x1 = 0;
        y1 = 0;

        x2 = x1 + (int)(length * X2RATIO);
        y2 = y1 + (int)(curvature * Y2RATIO);

        x3 = x1 + (int)(length * X3RATIO);
        y3 = y1 - (int)(curvature * Y3RATIO);

        x4 = x1 + (int)(length * X4RATIO);
        y4 = y1 - (int)(curvature * Y4RATIO);

        // Second curve (second curve's ending point is (X4, Y4) )      
        x7 = x1 + length;
        y7 = y1;

        x6 = x7 - (int)(length * X6RATIO);
        y6 = y7 + (int)(curvature * Y6RATIO);

        x5 = x7 - (int)(length * X5RATIO);
        y5 = y7 - (int)(curvature * Y5RATIO);

        BezierCurve curve = new BezierCurve();

        curve.Points  = new Point[] 
                new Point(x1, y1), 
                new Point(x2, y2),
                new Point(x3, y3), 
                new Point(x4, y4),
                new Point(x5, y5), 
                new Point(x6, y6),
                new Point(x7, y7)
            } ;

        return curve;

    public static BezierCurve CreateVertical(int length)
        BezierCurve curve = CreateHorizontal(length);

        int offsetX = 0 - curve.Points[0].X;
        int offsetY = 0 - curve.Points[0].Y;

        return curve.Translate(offsetX, offsetY);            

    public BezierCurve Translate(int transX, int transY)
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.length; i++)
            this.Points[i].X += transX;
            this.Points[i].Y += transY;

        return this;

    public BezierCurve FlipHorizontal()
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.length; i++)
            this.Points[i].X *= -1;                

        return this;

    public BezierCurve FlipVertical()
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.length; i++)
            this.Points[i].Y *= -1;

        return this;

    // ===============================================
    // Transformation code adapted from C++ source code in the book
    // Direct3D Programming (Kickstart) by Clayton Walnum
    // ===============================================
    public BezierCurve Rotate(int degrees)
        double radians = 6.283185308 / (360 / degrees);
        double cosine = Math.cos(radians);
        double sine = Math.sin(radians);

        for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.length; i++)
            int rotatedX = (int)(this.Points[i].X * cosine - this.Points[i].Y * sine);
            int rotatedY = (int)(this.Points[i].Y * cosine + this.Points[i].X * sine);

            this.Points[i].X = rotatedX;
            this.Points[i].Y = rotatedY;

        return this;


package com.example.newone;

public class Point {

        public int X;
        public int Y;

   public Point(int x , int y)
       X= x;
       Y= y;

1 に答える 1


cubeTo() に関する Android のドキュメントから、

最後のポイントから 3 次ベジエを追加し、コントロール ポイント (x1,y1) と (x2,y2) に近づき、(x3,y3) で終了します。この輪郭に対して moveTo() 呼び出しが行われていない場合、最初の点は自動的に (0,0) に設定されます。

path.cubicTo() への 2 回目の呼び出しの前に moveTo() への呼び出しを追加するだけでよいようです。

于 2014-08-10T18:15:56.640 に答える