* Add a callback function that is invoked on every element submitted and must return a data object.
* May be used as well for transmitting static data.
* The callback function is supposed to expect a jQuery element as single parameter
* and must return a data object (for additional data to be sent along with the one already given upon initialization).
* Adding multiple callback functions results in those functions being invoked in the same order as they were added.
* 1) Therefore subsequent assignments to the same key in the data array override those that were performed by a previous callback function.
* 2) If data_arg = true is given, the data returned by the callback function that was previously called is given to the new_callback as 2nd argument, so it can be manipulated.
* However, even if it isn't, the unchanged data must be returned anyway to have any effect.
this.add_data_callback = function(new_callback, data_arg) {
if(this.data_callback) {
old_callback = this.data_callback;
if(!data_arg) {
//alert('add it');
this.data_callback = function(element) {
//alert('do it');
return jQuery.extend(old_callback(element), new_callback(element));
else {
this.data_callback = function(element, data) {
return new_callback(element, old_callback(element));
else {
//alert('add the first');
this.data_callback = new_callback;
(data_arg = trueのelse部分は関係がないため、無視してください。)
- 匿名関数/クロージャ(jQuery.extend()を含むもの)が呼び出されます。new_callbackには、3番目のコールバック関数が含まれています。old_callbackには別の...が含まれています
- 呼び出される無名関数。new_callbackには、2番目のコールバック関数が含まれています。old_callbackには最初のコールバック関数が含まれている必要がありますが、実際にはさらに別の関数です...
- 呼び出される匿名のコールバック。new_callbackには、2番目のコールバック関数が再び含まれています。old_callbackには無名関数が含まれています
- ..。