私は基本的な helloworld.f プログラムを fable を使用して C++ に変換しようとしています (後でより大きなプログラムに備えて)。次のようなエラーが表示されます。

fable.read.Error: Missing END for PROGRAM:
  at hello.f(1):
  |      program HelloWorld|


  program HelloWorld
  implicit none
     write (*,*) 'Hello, world!'   ! This is an inline comment
  end program HelloWorld 

寓話が見つけている問題を見ている人はいますか? まだ使ったことがないので、どんな風に動くのか試してみました。助けてくれてありがとう!


2 に答える 2


I think it can't parse end program HelloWorld. Try changing it to end program or just to end.

UPDATE: Indeed, in Fortran 77 everything must end with just END:

The END statement indicates the end of the sequence of statements and comment lines of a program unit ( 3.5). If executed in a function or subroutine subprogram, it has the effect of a RETURN statement ( 15.8). If executed in a main program, it terminates the execution of the executable program.

The form of an END statement is:


An END statement is written only in columns 7 through 72 of an initial line. An END statement must not be continued. No other statement in a program unit may have an initial line that appears to be an END statement. The last line of every program unit must be an END statement.

于 2014-09-11T11:50:05.670 に答える