現在、SCCM 2012 の PowerShell でいくつかの右クリック ツールをプログラミングしています。右クリックされたデバイスのステータス メッセージ クエリを表示するツールをプログラミングしたいと思います。

SCCM -> 監視 -> ステータス メッセージ クエリ -> 特定のシステムからのすべてのステータス メッセージと同様のビューが必要です

これまでのところ、次の WQL クエリがあります。

select SMS_StatusMessage.*, SMS_StatMsgInsStrings.*, SMS_StatMsgAttributes.* 
from  SMS_StatusMessage left join SMS_StatMsgInsStrings on SMS_StatMsgInsStrings.RecordID = SMS_StatusMessage.RecordID
left join SMS_StatMsgAttributes on SMS_StatMsgAttributes.RecordID = SMS_StatusMessage.RecordID 
where SMS_StatusMessage.MachineName = "MyMachineName"

しかし、これは「特定のシステムからのすべてのステータス メッセージ」に見られるような説明を提供しません。(スクリーンショットを参照)。

ステータス メッセージの説明を取得する方法を知っている人はいますか?



2 に答える 2



SELECT b.Component, b.MachineName, b.MessageType, b.MessageID, 
       d.attributevalue, d.attributeTime 
FROM SMS_StatusMessage b 
    JOIN SMS_StatMsgInsStrings c ON b.RecordID = c.RecordID
    JOIN SMS_StatMsgAttributes d ON c.RecordID = d.RecordID
WHERE b.Component = "Task Sequence Manager"
    AND   d.AttributeID = 401 
    AND   b.MachineName = "MyMachineName"
    AND   b.MessageID = 11171                      
    AND   d.AttributeValue = "DeploymentID"

最終的に、これは SDK からのものです。

于 2014-10-14T08:12:19.340 に答える


 CASE [Severity] 
  WHEN '1073741824' THEN 'Informational' 
  WHEN '-1073741824' THEN 'Error' 
  WHEN '-2147483648' THEN 'Warning' 
 END AS Severity
 CASE [MessageID] 
  WHEN '11124' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine started the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ').')
  WHEN '11127' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine successfully completed the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ').') 
  WHEN '11128' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine skipped the disabled action (' + [InsStrValue2] + ') in the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ').') 
  WHEN '11130' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine skipped the action (' + [InsStrValue2] + ') in the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ').')
  WHEN '11134' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine successfully completed the action (' + [InsStrValue2] + ') in the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ') with exit code ' + [InsStrValue4] + ' Action output: ' + (COALESCE([InsStrValue5], '') + '' + COALESCE([InsStrValue6], '') + '' + COALESCE([InsStrValue7],'')+ COALESCE([InsStrValue8],'')+ COALESCE([InsStrValue9],'')+ COALESCE([InsStrValue10],''))) 
  WHEN '11135' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine failed execuiting the action (' + [InsStrValue2] + ') in the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ') with exit code ' + [InsStrValue4] + ' Action output: ' + (COALESCE([InsStrValue5], '') + '' + COALESCE([InsStrValue6], '') + '' + COALESCE([InsStrValue7],'')+ COALESCE([InsStrValue8],'')+ COALESCE([InsStrValue9],'')+ COALESCE([InsStrValue10],'')))  
  WHEN '11138' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine ignored execution failure of the action (' + [InsStrValue2] + ') in the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ').')  
  WHEN '11140' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine started execution of a task sequence.')  
  WHEN '11142' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine performed a system reboot initiated by the action (' + [InsStrValue2] + ') in the group (' + [InsStrValue3] + ').')  
  WHEN '11144' THEN ('The task sequence execution engine from a non-client started execution of a task sequence.')
 END AS Description 
FROM [CM_SiteCode].[dbo].[vStatusMessagesWithStrings] (NOLOCK) 
WHERE MachineName = 'MyServerNameHere'
 AND Component in ('Task Sequence Engine','Task Sequence Manager','Task Sequence Action')
 AND Time BETWEEN '2015-04-02 08:30' AND GETDATE() 


于 2015-04-15T14:03:28.300 に答える