皆さん、サーバーで領収書を検証しようとしていますが、Apple のドキュメントはせいぜいあいまいです。
ドキュメントの最後の段落から ( https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/releasenotes/General/ValidateAppStoreReceipt/Chapters/ValidateRemotely.html ):
The values of the latest_receipt and latest_receipt_info keys are useful when checking whether an auto-renewable subscription is currently active. By providing any transaction receipt for the subscription and checking these values, you can get information about the currently-active subscription period. If the receipt being validated is for the latest renewal, the value for latest_receipt is the same as receipt-data (in the request) and the value for latest_receipt_info is the same as receipt.
Apple から返された JSON オブジェクトを見ると、latest_receipt_info
誰かが私に彼らの経験を教えてもらえますか? また、領収書が有効であることをどのように検証しますか?