I read a statement from an exercise: construct a database instance which conforms to diagram 1 but not to diagram 2. The diagrams are different n-ary relationships that have different relationships. Diagram 1 has a many to one to many to one relationship. Diagram 2 has many to many to many to one relationship. So, to really understand this problem, what does a database instance mean? Is it to make an example or abstract entities like a1, a2, or a3. Thanks for your time.  
EDIT: Here is the exercise: Consider the E/R diagrams in figure (2).
a: Construct a database instance which conforms to diagram 2 but not to diagram 1
b: Construct a database instance which conforms to diagram 3 but not to diagram 2
The instances may assume values like a1, a2, a3 for the entity A, b1, b2, b3 for the entity B, and so on. (If you are unable to come up with an instance explain why.).
                     Diagram 2     | C |
                                    / \
                |---|              /   \            |---|
                | A |-------------     -------------| B |
                |---|              \   /            |---|
                                    \ /
                                    \ /  -- arrow
                                   | D |
Diagram 1 
                                   | C |
                                    / \
                |---|              /   \            |---|
                | A |-------------     -------------| B |
                |---|              \   /            |---|
                                    \ /
                                    \ /  -- arrow
                                   | D |
Diagram 3 
                                   | C |
                                    / \
                |---|              /   \            |---|
                | A |-------------     -------------| B |
                |---|              \   /            |---|
                                    \ /
                                   | D |

1 に答える 1




「従業員データベースを持つ組織には、本番環境(ライブデータを含めるために使用)、本番環境前(本番環境にリリースする前に新しい機能をテストするために使用)、開発(データベース開発者が新しい機能を作成するために使用)の3つの異なるインスタンスがあります。 「」 http://databases.about.com/od/administration/g/instance.htm

幸運を :)

于 2010-04-10T22:20:52.750 に答える