I have used EViews and run Error Correction Model (ECM) and obtained some result. Now I would like to replicate that example in R and obtain the same result like I did in EViews.
The data I have used are as follows:
The result I obtained in EViews and would like to replicate in R is shown in the following table:
I used package apt and its function ecmAsyFit(gdp, life, lag = 1, split = TRUE,model = "linear", thresh = 0)
The code I have run is as follows:
df <- ts(cbind(gdp, life), start = 1950, freq = 1)
fit <- ecmAsyFit(df[, 1], df[, 2], lag = 1, split = TRUE, model = "linear", thresh = 0)
The result in R I obtained is shown under:
DepVar IndVar estimate error t.value p.value signif
1 diff.df[, 2].t_0 | (Intercept) 0.324 0.063 5.135 0.000 ***
2 | X.diff.df[, 2].t_1.pos -0.458 0.155 -2.954 0.005 ***
3 | X.diff.df[, 2].t_1.neg 0.443 0.546 0.811 0.422
4 | X.diff.df[, 1].t_1.pos 0.000 0.000 1.410 0.166
5 | X.diff.df[, 1].t_1.neg 0.000 0.000 -1.475 0.148 .
6 | X.ECT.t_1.pos 0.000 0.000 -1.819 0.076 *
7 | X.ECT.t_1.neg 0.000 0.000 -0.420 0.677
8 diff.df[, 1].t_0 - (Intercept) 3793.752 4912.683 0.772 0.444
9 - X.diff.df[, 2].t_1.pos -4510.643 12060.505 -0.374 0.710
10 - X.diff.df[, 2].t_1.neg -21884.942 42483.319 -0.515 0.609
11 - X.diff.df[, 1].t_1.pos 0.576 0.190 3.031 0.004 ***
12 - X.diff.df[, 1].t_1.neg 0.055 0.369 0.148 0.883
13 - X.ECT.t_1.pos -0.318 0.145 -2.193 0.034 **
14 - X.ECT.t_1.neg -0.175 0.130 -1.354 0.183
Problem: The result I obtained in EViews (shown table) is not the same like it is R (shown right above)
- Is there a way to use ecmAsyFit function to obtain result like it is shown in the table?
- Is there another function (or set of functions) which can run Error Correction Model and provide the result shown in the table?
- Could someone share the code for application of Error Correction Model, so I could apply it?