Bolt 2.0.5 インストールで ckeditor にプラグインを設定および/または追加する方法を誰か説明できますか?
プラグインについてはわかりませんが、いくつかのオプションを設定できます。Bolt 2 の config.yml ファイルには次のものが含まれています。
# There are several options for giving editors more options to insert images, video,
# etc in the Wysiwyg areas. But, as you give them more options, that means they also have
# more ways of breaking the preciously designed layout. By default the most 'dangerous'
# options are set to 'false'. If you choose to enable them for your editors, please
# instruct them thoroughly on their responsibility not to break the layout.
images: false
anchor: false
tables: true # default is false
fontcolor: false
align: true # Add 'align left', 'align right',etc.
subsuper: false # Add buttons for subscript and superscript, using <sub> and <sup>
embed: false # allows the user to insert embedded video's from Youtube,