したがって、私の Python ゲームの次のコード行は機能しません。
direction=raw_input("What would you like to do?\n")
トレースバック (最後の最後の呼び出し): ファイル "/Users/khalilismail/Desktop/COMPUTING/Text-based Games/DragonQuest.py"、173 行目、方向 = raw_input("何をしますか?\n") EOFError : 行を読むときの EOF
while place==town:
direction=raw_input("What would you like to do?\n")
if direction=="west":
if "iron ore" and "wood" and "3 Gold Pieces" in items:
print "The blacksmith greets you, and you tell him that you have the items and money he requires, you also give him the saw to make up for some of the difference, he then forges you a battleaxe and wishes you luck on the rest of your quest"
items.remove ("saw")
items.remove ("3 Gold Pieces")
items.remove ("iron ore")
items.remove ("wood")
items.append ("battleaxe")