The data
field has to be populated with information about the axis as well. Here you have a functional example (sorry for the Spanish variables):
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: "#chart-" + value.siglas,
data: {
x: 'x',
x_format: '%Y',
columns: [
['x', new Date('2011'), new Date('2012'), new Date('2013'), new Date('2014')],
['Primera matrícula', value.tasas_2011.tasas1, value.tasas_2012.tasas1, value.tasas_2013.tasas1, value.tasas_2014.tasas1],
['Segunda matrícula', value.tasas_2011.tasas2, value.tasas_2012.tasas2, value.tasas_2013.tasas2, value.tasas_2014.tasas2],
['Tercera matrícula', value.tasas_2011.tasas3, value.tasas_2012.tasas3, value.tasas_2013.tasas3, value.tasas_2014.tasas3],
['Cuarta matrícula', value.tasas_2011.tasas4, value.tasas_2012.tasas4, value.tasas_2013.tasas4, value.tasas_2014.tasas4],
['Media nacional' + averageErrorFlag, average['tasas_2011'].toFixed(2), average['tasas_2012'].toFixed(2), average['tasas_2013'].toFixed(2), average['tasas_2014'].toFixed(2)]
axis: {
x: {
type: 'timeseries',
tick: {
format: "%Y" //
In data
, the format of the x axis and the values (in this graphic you have four variables and the x value) are included. You can also format the x axis with the axis