@John D. Cookの回答に触発されて、Nimで実装を書きました。最初は仕組みがわかりにくかったので、例も含めて幅広くコメントしました。考え方を理解するのに役立つかもしれません。また、変数名を少し変更しました。
iterator uniqueRandomValuesBelow*(N, M: int) =
## Returns a total of M unique random values i with 0 <= i < N
## These indices can be used to construct e.g. a random sample without replacement
assert(M <= N)
var t = 0 # total input records dealt with
var m = 0 # number of items selected so far
while (m < M):
let u = random(1.0) # call a uniform(0,1) random number generator
# meaning of the following terms:
# (N - t) is the total number of remaining draws left (initially just N)
# (M - m) is the number how many of these remaining draw must be positive (initially just M)
# => Probability for next draw = (M-m) / (N-t)
# i.e.: (required positive draws left) / (total draw left)
# This is implemented by the inequality expression below:
# - the larger (M-m), the larger the probability of a positive draw
# - for (N-t) == (M-m), the term on the left is always smaller => we will draw 100%
# - for (N-t) >> (M-m), we must get a very small u
# example: (N-t) = 7, (M-m) = 5
# => we draw the next with prob 5/7
# lets assume the draw fails
# => t += 1 => (N-t) = 6
# => we draw the next with prob 5/6
# lets assume the draw succeeds
# => t += 1, m += 1 => (N-t) = 5, (M-m) = 4
# => we draw the next with prob 4/5
# lets assume the draw fails
# => t += 1 => (N-t) = 4
# => we draw the next with prob 4/4, i.e.,
# we will draw with certainty from now on
# (in the next steps we get prob 3/3, 2/2, ...)
if (N - t)*u >= (M - m).toFloat: # this is essentially a draw with P = (M-m) / (N-t)
# no draw -- happens mainly for (N-t) >> (M-m) and/or high u
t += 1
# draw t -- happens when (M-m) gets large and/or low u
yield t # this is where we output an index, can be used to sample
t += 1
m += 1
# example use
for i in uniqueRandomValuesBelow(100, 5):
echo i