I need help. I'm using Laravel 4, I'm very new in laravel and i have 4 days in a row trying to solve this problem :(

I don't know how to decrypt a password to email it to the user and with it, activate his account.

I hope you can help me. Thanks.

My RegController.php:

//creates a key for 24h to activate account
$key = Str::random(32);
        Cookie::queue('key', $key, 60*24);
        Cookie::queue('email', $user->email, 60*24);    

        //creates url
        $msg = "<a href='".URL::to("registration/$user->email/$key")."'>Confirm acount</a>";

        $data = array(
            'user' => $user,
            'msg' => $msg,

        $fromEmail = 'noreply@noreply.com';
        $fromName = 'Administrator';

        Mail::send('emails.register', $data, function($message) use ($fromName, $fromEmail, $user){
            $message->from($fromEmail, $fromName);
            $message->subject('Confirm registration in Laravel');
        $message = '<hr><label class="label label-info">we sent an email to confirm your registration</label><hr>';
        return Redirect::to('registro')->with('message', $message);

The view show in the email:

    <h1>Welcome to the aplication Laravel</h1>
    <h1>Your user: {{$user->username}}</h1>
    <h1>Your password: {{$passworddecrypted)}}</h1>
    <p>Confirm your registration on this link:</p>

I don't know how to decrypt in this part, when I send the email, the encrypted password always appears

Email example:

Welcome to the aplication Laravel

Your user: lalo


Confirm your registration on this link:

Confirm registration in Laravel.


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