jlibitorrent ライブラリを使用して Java でトレント マネージャーを開発しようとしていますが、プログラムを実行すると、次のエラーが発生します。
Bencoding 例外: 不明なプロトコル: st.ST.main(ST.java:70) で com.torrent.util.TorrentInfo.(TorrentInfo.java:160) の udp
プログラムの引数は、インターネットからダウンロードした torrent であり、送信でも機能します。
public TorrentInfo(byte[] torrent_file_bytes) throws BencodingException
// Make sure the input is valid
if(torrent_file_bytes == null || torrent_file_bytes.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Torrent file bytes must be non-null and have at least 1 byte.");
// Assign the byte array
this.torrent_file_bytes = torrent_file_bytes;
// Assign the metainfo map
this.torrent_file_map = (Map<ByteBuffer,Object>)Bencoder2.decode(torrent_file_bytes);
// Try to extract the announce URL
ByteBuffer url_buff = (ByteBuffer)this.torrent_file_map.get(TorrentInfo.KEY_ANNOUNCE);
if(url_buff == null)
throw new BencodingException("Could not retrieve anounce URL from torrent metainfo. Corrupt file?");
try {
String url_string = new String(url_buff.array(), "ASCII");
URL announce_url = new URL(url_string);
this.announce_url = announce_url;
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
throw new BencodingException(uee.getLocalizedMessage());
catch(MalformedURLException murle)
throw new BencodingException(murle.getLocalizedMessage());
// Try to extract the info dictionary
ByteBuffer info_bytes = Bencoder2.getInfoBytes(torrent_file_bytes);
Map<ByteBuffer,Object> info_map = (Map<ByteBuffer,Object>)this.torrent_file_map.get(TorrentInfo.KEY_INFO);
if(info_map == null)
throw new BencodingException("Could not extract info dictionary from torrent metainfo dictionary. Corrupt file?");
this.info_map = info_map;
// Try to generate the info hash value
try {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] info_hash = digest.digest();
this.info_hash = ByteBuffer.wrap(info_hash);
catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae)
throw new BencodingException(nsae.getLocalizedMessage());
// Extract the piece length from the info dictionary
Integer piece_length = (Integer)this.info_map.get(TorrentInfo.KEY_PIECE_LENGTH);
if(piece_length == null)
throw new BencodingException("Could not extract piece length from info dictionary. Corrupt file?");
this.piece_length = piece_length.intValue();
// Extract the file name from the info dictionary
ByteBuffer name_bytes = (ByteBuffer)this.info_map.get(TorrentInfo.KEY_NAME);
if(name_bytes == null)
throw new BencodingException("Could not retrieve file name from info dictionary. Corrupt file?");
try {
this.file_name = new String(name_bytes.array(),"ASCII");
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
throw new BencodingException(uee.getLocalizedMessage());
// Extract the file length from the info dictionary
Integer file_length = (Integer)this.info_map.get(TorrentInfo.KEY_LENGTH);
if(file_length == null)
throw new BencodingException("Could not extract file length from info dictionary. Corrupt file?");
this.file_length = file_length.intValue();
// Extract the piece hashes from the info dictionary
ByteBuffer all_hashes = (ByteBuffer)this.info_map.get(TorrentInfo.KEY_PIECES);
if(all_hashes == null)
throw new BencodingException("Could not extract piece hashes from info dictionary. Corrupt file?");
byte[] all_hashes_array = all_hashes.array();
// Verify that the length of the array is a multiple of 20 bytes (160 bits)
if(all_hashes_array.length % 20 != 0)
throw new BencodingException("Piece hashes length is not a multiple of 20. Corrupt file?");
int num_pieces = all_hashes_array.length / 20;
// Copy the values of the piece hashes into the local field
this.piece_hashes = new ByteBuffer[num_pieces];
for(int i = 0; i < num_pieces; i++)
byte[] temp_buff = new byte[20];
this.piece_hashes[i] = ByteBuffer.wrap(temp_buff);