エッジ リスト全体を事前に取得しているため、逆方向に処理して、グラフを切断する代わりに接続できます。
edges = list of edges
outputMap = new empty map from vertex to iteration number
S = source vertex
//first remove all the edges in the list
for (int i=0;i<edges.size();i++) {
//find vertices that are never disconnected
//use DFS or BFS
foreach vertex reachable from S
outputMap[vertex] = -1;
//walk through the edges backward, reconnecting
//the graph
for (int i=edges.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
Vertex v1 = edges[i].v1;
Vertex v2 = edges[i].v2;
Vertex newlyConnected = null;
//this is for an undirected graph
//for a directed graph, you only test one way
//is a new vertex being connected to the source?
if (outputMap.containsKey(v1) && !outputMap.containsKey(v2))
newlyConnected = v2;
else if (outputMap.containsKey(v2) && !outputMap.containsKey(v1))
newlyConnected = v1;
if (newlyConnected != null)
//BFS or DFS again
foreach vertex reachable from newlyConnected
//It's easy to calculate the desired remove iteration number
//from our add iteration number
outputMap[vertex] = edges.size()-i;
//generate output
foreach entry in outputMap
if (entry.value >=0)
print("vertex "+entry.key+" disconnects in iteration "+entry.value);
このアルゴリズムは、ソースに接続される前に、各頂点が単一の BFS または DFS にのみ関与するため、線形時間を達成します。