Paypal の Payflow ホスト ページで問題が発生しています。トークンが見つからないというエラー メッセージが表示されます。私の問題は安全なトークン ID だと思います。コードでセキュア トークン ID を作成しましたが、PayPal への要求でこれを渡す方法がわかりません。0 の応答とトークンが返されますが、失敗した場合はホストされたページにリダイレクトされます。私は広範囲に検索しましたが、私の問題に対する答えが見つからないようです。私はhttps://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/payflow/gs_ppa_hosted_pa ​​ges/ のペイパル ガイドを使用して、 これを処理しています。どんな助けでも大歓迎です。以下は私のコードです

    //Controller that gets some data from a database table and passes it to the paypal utility class
    public ActionResult RedirectInstruct(PayPalModel Submit)

        bool recordRetrieved = false;
        bool secureTokenRetrieved = false;
        string orderId = "A3420-789632-15115151935";
        string secureToken = "";
        string secureTokenId = "";
        string[,] InvoiceArray = new string[9, 2];

        dbConnect = new SQLDatabaseUtility(orderId);

        //Here I get some data from a database table that is used as the information passed to the inventor object
        recordRetrieved = dbConnect.QryCustOrderDetails();

        if (recordRetrieved)
            InvoiceArray = dbConnect.RetrieveCustOrder();

            paymentProcessing = new PaymentProcessingUtility(InvoiceArray);

            //Here I call the method in the paypal utility class to get the secure token
            secureToken = paymentProcessing.PassSecureToken();
            secureTokenId = paymentProcessing.PassSecureTokenId();

            if (secureTokenRetrieved)
                //Here I insert the token information into the url string and then redirect user to paypal website
                string url = "https://payflowlink.paypal.com?MODE=TEST&SECURETOKENID=" + secureTokenId + "&SECURETOKEN=" + secureToken;

                //secure token retrieval failed

    //Method in the paypal utility class that creates the securitytokenid and gets the security token from paypal
    public void GetSecureToken()
        decimal total = 0;
        string licenseNo = "";
        string orderID = "";
        string requestType = "";

        //set the values
        orderID = InvoiceArray[0, 1];
        total = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceArray[8, 1]);
        requestType = InvoiceArray[2, 1];

        //Here I create the securitytokenid
        Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
        SECURETOKENID = Convert.ToString(id).Replace("-", "");

        // create the user object
        UserInfo User = new UserInfo("myuserid", "vender",
                                 "partner", "password");

        // Create the Payflow  Connection data object with the required connection details.
        PayflowConnectionData Connection = new PayflowConnectionData();

        // Create a new Invoice data object with the Amount, Billing Address etc. details.
        Invoice Inv = new Invoice();

        //Here I place some transaction details into the inventory object
        Currency Amt = new Currency(total, "USD");
        Inv.Amt = Amt;
        Inv.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
        Inv.Comment1 = licenseNo;
        Inv.CustRef = orderID;
        Inv.OrderDesc = requestType;

        //create a new express checkout request
        ECSetRequest setRequest = new ECSetRequest(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReturnURL"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CancelURL"]);

        PayPalTender Tender = new PayPalTender(setRequest);

        // Create a new Auth Transaction.
        SaleTransaction Trans = new SaleTransaction(User, Connection, Inv, Tender, PayflowUtility.RequestId);

        // Submit the Transaction
        Response Resp = Trans.SubmitTransaction();

        // Display the transaction response parameters.
        if (Resp != null)
            // Get the Transaction Response parameters.
            TransactionResponse TrxnResponse = Resp.TransactionResponse;
            ExpressCheckoutResponse eResponse = Resp.ExpressCheckoutSetResponse;

            if ((TrxnResponse != null) && (eResponse != null))
                //get the token
                SECURETOKEN = eResponse.Token;
                //Below I have tested to see if the requestid or correlationid is the securetokenid I need...
                //SECURETOKENID = Trans.Response.RequestId;
                //SECURETOKENID = Trans.Response.TransactionResponse.CorrelationId;

    //Here I am passing the values back to the calling class
    public string PassSecureToken()
        return SECURETOKEN;

    public string PassSecureTokenId()
        return SECURETOKENID;

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// Create a new Auth Transaction.
        SaleTransaction Trans = new SaleTransaction(User, Connection, Inv, Tender, PayflowUtility.RequestId);

  Trans.CreateSecureToken = "Y";
  Trans.SecureTokenId = PayflowUtility.RequestId;


// Get the Transaction Response parameters.
            TransactionResponse TrxnResponse = Resp.TransactionResponse;

于 2015-11-09T16:20:07.237 に答える