I can't get Mithril to render any Bootstrap tables. I have Bootstrap button elements that render just fine using the following (basic) code:
var TableModule = {
view: function(){
return [
m("button.btn btn-lg btn-primary", { onclick: function () { alert("derr"); } }, "Teh Button"),
m("table.table table-striped",
m("tr", [m("td", "herp"), m("td", "derp")]))
m.module(document.getElementById("test4"), TableModule);
If I hard code the table using:
<table class="table table-striped"><tr><td>herp</td><td>derp</td></tr></table>
(which is the exact same html the the Mithril code above produces) I get the following:
Ideas, thoughts, suggestions? Any and all welcome.