以下のコードがエラーをスローする理由を理解しようとしています: ReferenceError: Promise is not defined
allAccountFixtures: ['account-customer-joe', 'account-partner-sam', 'account-partner-jane', 'account-admin-jill'],
allProductFixtures: ['product-123', 'product-234', 'product-345', 'product-456'],
loadBasicFixtures: (Api) => {
return Promise.all([
Support.importRecords(Api.accountsAPI, Support.allAccountFixtures),
Support.importRecords(Api.productsAPI, Support.allProductFixtures)
私の API は別の場所で次のように定義されています。
this.accountsAPI = app.service('/api/accounts');
this.productsAPI = app.service('/api/products');
importRecords: (feathersService, fixtureNames) => {
// Wrap in an array if there's only one.
if (!(fixtureNames instanceof Array)) { fixtureNames = [fixtureNames]; }
// Create a separate promise for each JSON fixture to load the JSON from a
// file and send it to feathers.create(). Don't execute yet.
var promises = fixtureNames.map(fixtureName => {
var filePath = `test/fixtures/json/${fixtureName}.json`;
// console.log(`-> Loading JSON fixture: ${filePath}`);
return fs.readFileAsync(filePath, 'utf8')
.then((jsonString) => {
return JSON.parse(jsonString);
}).then((json) => {
return feathersService.create(json);
// Wrap all fixture loading promises inside a single outer promise that will
// fire when all of the child promises are complete.
return Promise.all(promises);