kaltura ビデオ プレーヤーにカスタム ビデオ URL を埋め込む方法を誰かが見つけましたか? 次のようになります。

  var $ = jQuery;
<!-- Substitute {partner_id} for your Kaltura partner id, {uiconf_id} for uiconf player id -->
<script src="//OUR_LOCAL_SERVER/p/101/sp/10100/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/23448200/partner_id/101"></script>

<div class="kaltura-player-wrap">
    <!--  inner pusher div defines aspect ratio: in this case 16:9 ~ 56.25% -->
    <div id="dummy" style="margin-top: 56.25%;"></div>
    <!--  the player embed target, set to take up available absolute space   -->    
    <div id="videoPlayer" itemprop="video" intemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject"></div>

(function($) {

var enableAds = true; 
var enablePreroll = true;
var enableMidroll = false; //not implemented yet since kaltura doesn't really support it
var enablePostroll = false;

var adlimit = 2;

dbug = true; 
var flashvars = {}; 
var adlock = 0;    
var faillock = 0;

var adtimeout = 20000; 
var playlist = sfp.nextVideo !== undefined;

var mediaProxy = {
    'entry': {
        "thumbnailUrl": sfp.thumbnail,
        "name": sfp.title,
        "description": "The+Mediterranean+diet+has+long+been+promoted+as+a+heart+healthy+way+of+eating.+But%2C+for+women%2C+ther",
        "duration": sfp.duration
    'sources': [{
        "src": "http://v1.SOME_SITE.com/822ece3c-52f0-4daa-b2da-7ebf1c0ba354.ogg",
        "type": "video/ogg;"
    }, {
        "src": "http://v1.SOME_SITE.com/822ece3c-52f0-4daa-b2da-7ebf1c0ba354.webm",
        "width": "624",
        "height": "352",
        "bandwidth": "740352",
        "type": "video/webm; codecs='vp8, vorbis'",
    }, {
        "src": "http://v1.SOME_SITE.com/822ece3c-52f0-4daa-b2da-7ebf1c0ba354.mp4",
        "width": "640",
        "height": "360",
        "bandwidth": "1101824",
        "type": "video/mp4; codecs='avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2'", 

Append pre or post roll ad parameters to the flashvars.vast object
obj: has to be the flashvars.vast object
uri: the ad tag url, parsed from the XML response
function appendAdsVAST(obj,uri){


        var temp = { 
            "prerollUrl" : uri,
            "prerollUrlJs" : uri, //enable support for mobile ads
            "numPreroll" : "1",
            "prerollStartWith" : "1",
            "prerollInterval" : "1",
            "preSequence" : "1",  

    }else if(enablePostroll){

        var temp = { 
            "postrollUrl" : uri,
            "postrollUrlJs" : uri, //enable support for mobile ads
            "numPostroll" : "1",
            "postrollStartWith" : "1",
            "postrollInterval" : "1",
            "postSequence" : "1", 
    for(var val in temp)
      obj[val] = temp[val]; 

    return obj;

To be reworked
uri-link to the ad to be passed into optimatic
type - optimatic 
function buildVideoPlayer(uri, type) {

    //overload to default ad type - doubleclick
    if(type==null || type===undefined || type==false)
        type = "doubleclick";

    if (type=="bnmla") {

        flashvars = { 

            "vast": {
                "plugin" : true, 
                "position" : "before", 
                "timeout" : "30",  
                "relativeTo" : "PlayerHolder", 
            "skipBtn": {
                "skipOffset" : "5",
                "label" : "Skip Ad"

            "adsOnReplay" : true,
            "inlineScript" : false,
            "ForceFlashOnDesktopSafari" : false,   

        flashvars.vast = appendAdsVAST(flashvars.vast,uri); 
        flashvars.noticeMessage = {};

    } else if (type=="yumenetworks" || type=="optimatic") {

        VAST DoubleClick Ad and Companion
        Link: http://player.kaltura.com/docs/kvast
        flashvars = { 

            "vast": {
                "plugin" : true, 
                "position" : "before", 
                "timeout" : "30",  
                "relativeTo" : "PlayerHolder", 
            "skipBtn": {
                "skipOffset" : "5",
                "label" : "Skip Ad"

            "adsOnReplay" : true,
            "inlineScript" : false,
            "ForceFlashOnDesktopSafari" : false,   

        flashvars.vast = appendAdsVAST(flashvars.vast,uri);

        // mobile already defines time remaining until ad finishes, so no need to specify it again
        // if(!kWidget.isMobileDevice())
        //   flashvars.noticeMessage = {  
        //       "plugin" : true,
        //       "position" : "before",
        //       "text" : "Time remaining {sequenceProxy.timeRemaining|timeFormat}"
        //   }

        // disable any message overlays on the ad
        flashvars.noticeMessage = {};

    } else if(false){ //disbale doubleclick for now
        DoubleClick for the DFP plugin

        flashvars = {
           * Doubleclick not working with mediaproxy, use generic vast instead
          "doubleClick": {
              "plugin": true,
              "path": "http://cdnbakmi.kaltura.com/content/uiconf/ps/veria/kdp3.9.1/plugins/doubleclickPlugin.swf",
              "adTagUrl": uri,
              "leadWithFlash": true,
              "disableCompanionAds": true,

          // "vast": {
          //   "prerollUrl": uri,
          //   "numPreroll": "1",
          //   "prerollStartWith": "1",
          //   "prerollInterval": "1",
          //   "postSequence": "1",
          //   "timeout": "4",
          //   "storeSession": false,
          // },


        Generic VAST for other providers
        flashvars = { 

            "vast": {
                "plugin" : true, 
                "position" : "before", 
                "timeout" : "30",  
                "relativeTo" : "PlayerHolder", 
            "skipBtn": {
                "skipOffset" : "5",
                "label" : "Skip Ad"

            "adsOnReplay" : true,
            "inlineScript" : false,
            "ForceFlashOnDesktopSafari" : false,   

        flashvars.vast = appendAdsVAST(flashvars.vast,uri);

    For now diable ads on mobile, unless the type is optimatic, which does work now
    Kaltura's Tremor, Adap.tv, YuMe, and FreeWheel plugins are not currently HTML5-compatible.
    if (kWidget.isMobileDevice() && type!="optimatic"){
      flashvars = {};
      dbug && console.log("Ads disabled on mobile, unless it's optimatic. Disabling ads");

    Ad response is empty, dont load any ads
      flashvars = {};
      dbug && console.log("Ads link empty. Disabling ads");

    Erase left bottom corner watermark on the video
    flashvars.watermark = {
        plugin: false
    // flashvars.skipBtn = {
    //   "skipOffset": "1",
    //   "label": "Skip Ad"
    // }

    * ads seem to have their own timers
    // flashvars.noticeMessage = {
    //     "text": "Advertisment {sequenceProxy.timeRemaining|timeFormat}"
    // }

    flashvars.forceMobileHTML5 = true;
    Set up custom video sources
    mediaProxy.preferedFlavorBR = -1; 
    flashvars.mediaProxy = mediaProxy;

    Enable hover controls
    flashvars.controlBarContainer = {
      "plugin" : true,
      "hover" : true

    Disable autoplay on mobile only
    flashvars.autoPlay = !kWidget.isMobileDevice();

    Enable debugging when needed,
    send cross domain headers to prevent console warnings,
    prevent ads form playing after video starts from beginning
    flashvars.adsOnReplay = true;
    flashvars.enableCORS = true;
    flashvars.debugMode = false;
    flashvars.debugLevel = 0;
    flashvars.autoMute = false;


        'targetId': 'videoPlayer',
        'wid': '_101',
        'uiconf_id': '23448200', 

        'EmbedPlayer.CodecPreference' : 'webm',

        'flashvars': flashvars,
        'readyCallback': function(playerId) {

            //initiate click events for the next video on the playlist page

            //initiate click events for the dropdown on the playlist page 

            var kdp = $('#' + playerId).get(0);

            Force autoplay in case of an error on page
            Only if it is a preroll ad
            if(!kWidget.isMobileDevice() && enablePreroll)

            Ad error events catches
            Ads will be skipped automatically on this event, but need to disable the timeout
            function [faillock] from rebuilding the player.
            kdp.kBind('adErrorEvent', function( qPoint ){

                dbug && console.log("\n\n\n\nadErrorEvent\n\n\n\n"); 
                faillock = 0; 
                // rebuildPlayerWithoutAds(playerId);
            kdp.kBind('adLoadError', function( qPoint ){

                dbug && console.log("\n\n\n\adLoadError\n\n\n\n"); 
                faillock = 0; 
            kdp.kBind('mediaError', function( qPoint ){

              dbug && console.log("\n\n\nmediaError\n\n\n");
            kdp.kBind('entryFailed', function( qPoint ){

              dbug && console.log("\n\n\nentryFailed\n\n\n");

            Safeguard against failure - skip to the video if ads fail to play
            Enable ad lock check if the ad did start. Wait for it to start playing for 10
            seconds and skip it if it doesn't start in this time (since it probably failed to load)
            if(!kWidget.isMobileDevice() || type=="optimatic")
              kdp.kBind('adStart', function( qPoint ){

                  dbug && console.log("\n\n\nAd started buffering");

                  adlimit -= 1;

                  faillock = 1;


                      dbug && console.log("Ad failed, skipping"); 

                      // in case if it is a postroll ad and a playlist page, we skip to the next 
                      // video and hope that this time the ad plays.
                      // else reload the video with no ads
                      if(playlist && enablePostroll){


            // enable ad lock check if the ad did start
            if(!kWidget.isMobileDevice() || type=="optimatic")
              kdp.kBind('onAdPlay', function( start ){

                  dbug && console.log("Ad started playing");
                  //disable timeout that will rebuild the video player
                  faillock = 0;

            // fire when ad is finished playing
              kdp.kBind('adEnd', function( qPoint ){

                  adlock += 1; 
                  dbug && console.log("Ad ended. Initiating playlist dropdown.");


            Since kaltura doesnt have a way to distinuish between 
            the start of a video or an ad, we need a workaround with counters. ALso
            we need to have 2 ways of distinuishing video/ad start end events, 
            for pre and post roll ads.
            kdp.kBind('playbackComplete', function(eventData) {

                if(playlist && enablePreroll){

                  //ad finished playing, and then the video
                    dbug && console.log("Ad and video finished. Rebuilding player");

                    adlock = 0;

                    //update current video element

                  //there was no ad on this page, so only the video played
                  }else if(adlock==0){
                    dbug && console.log("Video finished. Rebuilding player");

                    adlock = 0;

                    //update current video element 

                  //the ad finished
                  }else if(adlock==1){

                    dbug && console.log("Ad finished.");

                  adlock += 2;

                }else if(playlist && enablePostroll){

                  adlock += 2; 

                  //ad finished playing, and then the video
                    dbug && console.log("Ad ad video finished. Rebuilding player");

                    adlock = 0;

                    //update current video element

                  //there was no ad on this page, so only the video played
                  }else if(adlock==2){
                    dbug && console.log("Video finished. Rebuilding player");

                    // only rebuild the video if we reached the ad limit because
                    // in this case noa ds will be loaded after the video, which 
                    // will prevent it from catching the ad end event and reloading the player

                    adlock = 0;

                    //update current video element 


            // fire when ad starts playing
              kdp.kBind('adEnd', function( qPoint ){

                  adlock += 1; 


    // delete the video element from DOM and reinitiate later because it 
    // looked like it made the ads break less often

    We have reached the max number of times we can display an ad
    if(adlimit <= 0){
      flashvars.vast = {};
      dbug && console.log("Ads play count reached their limit. Disabling ads");

    // reinitiate kWIdget video player with new settings
      'targetId': "videoPlayer",
      'wid': '_101',
      'uiconf_id': '23448200',

      'flashvars': flashvars,

Sort ad types so that the least broken ones are served first
function sortAdTypes(data){

  $xml = $(data);
  var types = {};


      var link = $(this).text();
      var url = $.getQuery(link,"pageURL"); 

      var isOptimatic = link.indexOf("optimatic.com") != -1;
      var isYume = link.indexOf("yumenetworks.com") != -1;
      var isBNMLA = link.indexOf("bnmlaX.com") != -1 || link.indexOf("bnmla.com") != -1;

        types.yumenetworks = link;  
      else if(isBNMLA)
        types.bnmla = link; 
      else if(isOptimatic && url != 0 && url != "[INSERT_PAGE_URL]")
        types.optimatic = link; 
        types.other = link;

  return types;

Get the least broken ad type from the sorted at types
types: array of ad links
function selectAdType(types){

    return false;

  return  types.yumenetworks ? "yumenetworks" : 
          types.bnmla ? "bnmla" : 
          types.optimatic ? "optimatic" :
          types.other ? "other" :

Get the least broken ad link from the sorted at types
types: array of ad links
function selectAdLink(types){

    return false;

  return  types.yumenetworks ? types.yumenetworks : 
          types.bnmla ? types.bnmla : 
          types.optimatic ? types.optimatic :
          types.other ? types.other :

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "XML",
    url: 'http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?sz=560x315&iu=/14312752/FlashPreRoll&impl=s&gdfp_req=1&env=vp&output=xml_vast2&unviewed_position_start=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.SOME_SITE.com%2Fnews-article%2Fmediterranean-diet-high-olive-oil-linked-breast-cancer-risk-reduction&correlator=1453083948&description_url=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.SOME_SITE.com%252Fnews-article%252Fmediterranean-diet-high-olive-oil-linked-breast-cancer-risk-reduction&cust_params=PR_URL%3Db4cc6582-c9c1-4a70-9d42-be2e1a49889d%26PR_PageTyp%3Dnews_story%26Gender%3DFemale%26PR_Age%3DSeniors%26PR_Cndtns%3DObesity%2CBreast+Cancer+Female%2CCancer%2CCard' + decodeURIComponent(utcParams),
    success: function(data) {

        var types = sortAdTypes(data);
        var type = selectAdType(types);
        var link = selectAdLink(types); 

        dbug && console.log("Ad link: "+link);
        dbug && console.log("Ad type: "+type); 

        // skip ads if there are no ads in the XML response
          buildVideoPlayer(link, type);
    error: function(MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

        dbug && console.log(errorThrown);


これにより、グローバルの設定方法に応じて、カスタム ビデオ URL を持つプレーヤーが作成され、プレまたはポストロール広告 (広告プロバイダーがサポートしている場合はモバイルも) が表示されます。独自のkalturaサーバーをホストしています。

広告付きのプレイリストを有効にする追加の機能、動画をスキップするためのボタン、および広告が失敗した場合に備えて作成したタイムアウトにより、動画を再生する前にプレーヤーが 30 秒間停止することはありません (Kaltura がこの特定のものをキャッチできないため)エラー)。

仕組み: pubads.com に対して ajax 呼び出しを行い、そこから AdVastTag を解析し、広告プロバイダーを決定して、後で設定するパラメーターを決定します。VAST および VPAID 広告を配信するすべての広告サーバーと、それをサポートするプロバイダーのモバイル広告で機能します。うまくいかないのは、DoubleClick 広告で動画を表示することです。Kaltura の例は機能しますが、動画を KMS ID (動画を管理システムにアップロード) でプレーヤーに渡しますが、動画を ID ではなく URL として渡したいと考えています。

多くの人がこれに問題を抱えているようで、Kaltura がダブルクリックでカスタム URL を再生できるようにするには、バックエンドを変更する必要があると言う人がいると聞きました。誰もが見ることができる解決策を見つけ出すのは良いことです。

mediaProxyカスタム動画 URL を に渡し、doubleclick 広告タグを に渡す方法が (理想的には) 動作するはずflashvarsです。この部分は doubleClick 広告の URL を設定します。

"doubleClick": {
              "plugin": true,
              "path": "http://cdnbakmi.kaltura.com/content/uiconf/ps/veria/kdp3.9.1/plugins/doubleclickPlugin.swf",
              "adTagUrl": uri,
              "leadWithFlash": true,
              "disableCompanionAds": true,



2 に答える 2


結局のところ、Kaltura はカスタム ビデオ URL を使用する DoubleClick をサポートしていません。しかし、それを回避する方法があります。広告に汎用の VAST プラグインを使用するとmediaProxy、ほとんどの広告プロバイダーで機能します。

汎用プラグインはウォーターフォール広告をサポートしていないことに注意してください (これは、提供者が別の提供者を呼び出し、別の提供者が別の提供者を呼び出し、最終的に XML を ad flash/html5/mp4 ファイルに提供する場合です)。この問題を回避するには、広告がネストされているプロバイダーのリストを作成し、pubads.com サーバーへの ajax 呼び出しごとに XML を見て、adTagUrl. この要素が存在する場合は、再帰的にその URL に移動し、存在しなくなるまでプロセスを繰り返します。adTagUrl広告ファイルに到達する前に従う前の変数を保持します。これはadTagUrl、汎用 VAST の preRollUrl/postRollUrl パラメータに入る変数です。

それに加えて、一部のプロバイダー (optimatic など) は、Kaltura でサポートされていないエラーのためにプレーヤーを壊します - この場合、広告とプレーヤーが壊れます。これが発生した場合は、プレーヤーをリロードすることをお勧めします。

広告がバッファリングを開始したらタイムアウトを開始し ( adStart)、それをキャンセルしますonAdPlay(広告が実際に再生を開始したときに発生します)。12 秒以内にこのポイントに到達しない場合は、kWidget.embed()呼び出しによって広告なしでプレーヤーをリロードします。

于 2016-02-19T21:27:38.247 に答える

「'entryId' : 'url-to-my-video.mp4'」と sourceType をルート オブジェクトに移動すると、機能するはずです。

于 2015-12-22T16:28:41.603 に答える