コレクション名 DSP と同様に、データを ArangoDB 2.7.1 に保存しました。
{"content": "Book.xml", "type": "string", "name": "name", "key": 102}
{"content": "D:/XMLexample/Book.xml", "type": "string", "name": "location", "key": 102}
{"content": "xml", "type": "string", "name": "mime-type", "key": 102}
{"content": 4130, "type": "string", "name": "size", "key": 102}
{"content": "Sun Aug 25 07:53:32 2013", "type": "string", "name": "created_date", "key": 102}
{"content": "Wed Jan 23 09:14:07 2013", "type": "string", "name": "modified_date", "key": 102}
{"content": "catalog", "type": "tag", "name": "root", "key": 102}
{"content": "book", "type": "string", "name": "tag", "key": 103}
{"content": "bk101", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "id", "key": 103}
{"content": "Gambardella, Matthew", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "author", "key": 1031}
{"content": "XML Developer's Guide", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "title", "key": 1031}
{"content": "Computer", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "genre", "key": 1031}
{"content": "44.95", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "price", "key": 1031}
{"content": "2000-10-01", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "publish_date", "key": 1031}
{"content": "An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "description", "key": 1031}
ここで、1 つのセット{"content": "Book.xml", "type": "string", "name": "name", "key": 102}
は、コレクション内の 1 つのドキュメントを表します。
。FOR p IN DSP filter p.name == "publish_date" AND p.content == "2000-10-01" AND p.name == 'title' return p
リレーショナル データベースと同様に、何らかの自己結合が必要ですが、自己結合がどのように適用されるかはわかりません。publish_date
値 2000-10-01 に対応する値key
は 1031であるため、このクエリの結果は次のドキュメントになると思います。
{"content": "Gambardella, Matthew", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "author", "key": 1031}
{"content": "XML Developer's Guide", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "title", "key": 1031}
{"content": "Computer", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "genre", "key": 1031}
{"content": "44.95", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "price", "key": 1031}
{"content": "2000-10-01", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "publish_date", "key": 1031}
{"content": "An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.", "type": {"py/type": "__builtin__.str"}, "name": "description", "key": 1031}