次の回答は、考えられる解決策の 1 つを示しています。おそらく推奨されるものではありません(ただし、この質問の将来の読者にとってはおそらく興味深いでしょう)。
幾分制限された数の異なるタイプにすべて属する多数のプロパティがある場合、構造体インスタンスの を使用Mirror
次の WWDC 2015 セッション (Leo Dabus に感謝します!) を見た後、以前の回答を編集しました (かなりすっきりしていると思います)。
& プロトコル指向のソリューション:
/* Let a heterogeneous protocol act as "pseudo-generic" type
for the different (property) types in 'SuperStruct' */
protocol MyGenericType {
func isEqualTo(other: MyGenericType) -> Bool
extension MyGenericType where Self : Equatable {
func isEqualTo(other: MyGenericType) -> Bool {
if let o = other as? Self { return self == o }
return false
/* Extend types that appear in 'SuperStruct' to MyGenericType */
extension Int : MyGenericType {}
extension String : MyGenericType {}
extension Float : MyGenericType {}
// ...
/* Finally, 'SuperStruct' conformance to Equatable */
func ==(lhs: SuperStruct, rhs: SuperStruct) -> Bool {
let mLhs = Mirror(reflecting: lhs).children.filter { $0.label != nil }
let mRhs = Mirror(reflecting: rhs).children.filter { $0.label != nil }
for i in 0..<mLhs.count {
guard let valLhs = mLhs[i].value as? MyGenericType, valRhs = mRhs[i].value as? MyGenericType else {
print("Invalid: Properties 'lhs.\(mLhs[i].label!)' and/or 'rhs.\(mRhs[i].label!)' are not of 'MyGenericType' types.")
return false
if !valLhs.isEqualTo(valRhs) {
return false
return true
/* Example */
var a = SuperStruct()
var b = SuperStruct()
a == b // true
a.field1 = 2
a == b // false
b.field1 = 2
b.field2 = "Foo"
a.field2 = "Foo"
a == b // true
/* 'SuperStruct' conformance to Equatable */
func ==(lhs: SuperStruct, rhs: SuperStruct) -> Bool {
let mLhs = Mirror(reflecting: lhs).children.filter { $0.label != nil }
let mRhs = Mirror(reflecting: rhs).children.filter { $0.label != nil }
for i in 0..<mLhs.count {
switch mLhs[i].value {
case let valLhs as Int:
guard let valRhs = mRhs[i].value as? Int where valRhs == valLhs else {
return false
case let valLhs as String:
guard let valRhs = mRhs[i].value as? String where valRhs == valLhs else {
return false
case let valLhs as Float:
guard let valRhs = mRhs[i].value as? Float where valRhs == valLhs else {
return false
/* ... extend with one case for each type
that appear in 'SuperStruct' */
case _ : return false
return true
/* Example */
var a = SuperStruct()
var b = SuperStruct()
a == b // true
a.field1 = 2
a == b // false
b.field1 = 2
b.field2 = "Foo"
a.field2 = "Foo"
a == b // true